No Mercy Part 3

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I could hear Doc talking, but I stood there, not ready for any of this. I hear running and turned to see Addy standing there. She stared at me for a moment before walking in to the hut. "Why is she standing out there?" I heard Addy ask. "I don't think she's ready." Doc said back to her. I let out a sigh before I felt small arms around me. I stared down at 5k and smiled at him. He slowly let me go and stared at me. "Come on kid, we had a long day tomorrow." Red said to him. He turned to her and nodded. He walked over to her and followed her as they walked away. "What's going on?" I turned to stare up at 10k, before I frowned at him. "It's bad, or it could be." I said up to him. He stared at me before I looked at the ground. Murphy and Cassandra walked into the hut as we stood there. "She's here." I said to him. He stared down at me. "Murphy didn't know what else to do, so he told Cassandra to get you, but I thought it was bad idea. Tommy, I don't know what to do." I said to him. He slowly pulled me into him and clinged to his vest. "It's going to be okay." he muttered. I slowly nodded in his chest and I slowly wrapped my arms around him.

"Can I ask something?" I said up to him. He slowly nodded at me as I stared up at him. "DO I sound like her when I say your name?" I asked him. He shook his head and I smiled up at him. I heard Doc say something, but I didn't caught it. 10k let me go and stared down at me. He walked away from me and down the street. "Where are you going?" I asked him. "Walk." he said pointing down the street. "Ok." I muttered, knowing he wasn't ready for this either. He walked down the street before Doc pointed his head out. I stared at him and he slowly nodded. I followed him in the hut and saw everyone staring at Julia. "Is she alright?" I asked Doc. "she doesn't have a fever or anything." he said back to me. I nodded to him and he straightened his back. "Alright, everybody out. We have a long day tomorrow... out." I said to them and they slowly walked out of the hut. "Thanks." she said to me. I nodded and watched her, waiting for her to say something, anything. "You saved me, right?" She asked me and I nodded at her again. "Thanks, but what conived you to save me?" she asked me. I shrugged at her and she let out a sigh.

"Not much of talker huh?" She asked me. She stared at me for a moment as I stared back at her. "I'm just trying to find the right words." I said to her. Her eyes widen as she stared at me before I could she tears in her eyes. "Geneva." she breathed. I slowly nodded at her and she jumped out of the bed and hugged me. She pulled me close and held me. "I've been looking everywhere. I'd almost given up hope." she said to me. "I thought you were dead." I said to her. She pulled away from me, but still had her hands on shoulders. "Let's get some air." she said to me. "You should really stay in bed.get some rest."I said to her. "I haven't seen you in years, almost thinking you were gone, and now that I've found you, you want me to rest. No I want to know everything. I want to sit outside in the night air and hear you stories." she said to me. I stared at her, watching her facial movements. "Please." she said to me, putting her hands up, giving huge puppy eyes. "Fine." I said to her.

I helped her out and we sat where Murphy was. I don't know where he is now. "So tell me, who were those people?" she asked me. "The group I'm with. We've been together throw a lot of stuff." I said to her. She nodded at me. "The older guy-" " Doc." "Is he high?" She asked me and I gave her a shrug. "The redhead." " Addy." " She seem nice. Someone you could trust, but what's up with that lookin her eyes?" she asked me. "She lost someone, not too long ago... her boyfriend." I said to her. "Like everyone does in the end." she said to me. "I guess." I said to her. "Ok, so who else in your group. I saw another girl and a taller man." she said to me. " Cassandra." I said to her, but stopped before I said Murphy. People are still looking for him, so I held my tongue.

"So who is the taller man?" She asked me. "You have to be talking about me." I turned my head to see Murphy standing there. He was holding the cooler with Lucy in it. "And I thought it would be 10 cent first." he said to us. "10 cent." she asked, turning to me. "Ya, her boy toy." Murphy said to her. "You have a boyfriend?" Julia asked me. "Murphy." I muttered. "Wait." Julia said and got up, walking over to Murphy. "You're The Murphy?" She asked him. He didn't say a word as she walked around him. She stopped into front of him and looking him up and down. "I expected more." She said to him. He stared down at her, giving her a stink eyes. "So did I." He said throw his teeth. I got up and walked over to Murphy. I pulled him away from a moment and he looked down at me. "Are you sure you too are sisters?" he asked me in a low tone. "Yes." I said to him. "Hey, if you're The Murphy, can you show me something?" She asked, walking closer to us. We both looked over to her and she smiled at us.

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