Jean and Lucy

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Day and night, I won't stop. Body aching, Z's roaming, land mass blurring. I know what I have to do and yet I'd hate to do it. No drawn map, only a real one and memories... memories I'd love to forget. Coming to a fork in the road, I stopped and pulled out the map, looking over. Going through the town would be faster than going around. "You lost little lady?" I looked over to see a truck sitting next to me. Crap. "Going through there is a no go." he told me. "Ya, whys that?" I asked him. "Overrun by zombies." He said and I looked back at the town. "Why don't you come with us." he told me and folded up my map. I smiled at him sweetly. His hand reached out to me and I kicked up the stand and drove right into the town. "Crazy Bitch." he yelled at me. I have to got to the other side on town. I have to make it, I have to. Looking back I could see them following after me.


I stopped and looked around the town I haven't seen in months, maybe a year or two. A Lincoln Z walking around, still. I walked around for a moment, looking at things. I walked around the bus and over to see Cassandra just standing there. Murphy started to look up at the sky as he could breath. "Where's Lucy?" I asked him, running over. "With Doc, she's fine." he said to me. "Come on guys, help!" I heard Doc yell. "Really? She's fine?" I asked him. "Zip it QOL and go help them." he said to me. After all that happened we when that way. I pulled the keys out my bike and hide it in a building, making it blend in with other trash. I walked thru the woods, watching my steps, pushing the tree branches out of my way. I could hear crying in my ears the farther I walked.

I made it to a clearing and the crying was too loud to think over. I looked over my shoulder and saw him sitting there, holding her. "Hey Queen of Lies, could you help me with is?" Murphy asked and I stared at him. "No, I'm busy." I said, taking a step back. "Oh, I see how is it." I heard Murphy say and I stared right at him. "I told you, I won't always be around to help you." I said to him. He stared at me for moment and sighed. "Can't count on anyone these days." I could hear him muttered. I turned back and walked away. I looked over at the tables left behind, the opening, the half shack still standing. The old fire ring, some of the rocks were overturned and pushed away. I stood there for a moment, before looking over my shoulder again.

"So you tried to walk back to the group huh?" He said to me. "She was crying, and I thought you'd come running. That's why I walked that way." I said to him. Murphy took a step and Cassandra let me go and pushed me to the ground. Hitting the ground, I stopped falling and stayed on the ground. I turned and stared right up at Murphy. I felt hands pulling me up, I took a step and fell right into 10k. "Don't take another step closer." 10k said to Murphy before he took a step back.I put my hand over my heart as I stared. "Too good." I muttered before I grabbed my bag up and started to walk down the path he walked with Lucy.

"You're afraid of her. Or afraid of what she might become. What we might become. Don't forget. I've seen how you treat babies." Murphy said to us. "And we've seen how you treat humans." 10k said to him. "I'm not gonna let you hurt her." Murphy said. "This is ridiculous, Murphy, we don't want to hurt her." I said to him. I stood my ground. "Baby and I are going for a walk. Make sure they stay here. Nobody leaves." Murphy said to Cassandra. "Murphy! Murphy, don't you dare hurt her." I growled loudly. "How dare you think of me that low." he said to me. "And how dare you walk away, treating us like prisoners." I said to him. "You don't know anything, Geneva." he said me before walking away from me. "Lucy, stop crying." I said and she stopped. I ran down the pathway and followed the woods. I stopped at the fork and looked around.

I closed my eyes and listened to everything. I heard a twig snap and I opened my eyes to see a Z walking left and an Ender following after it. The Z was weirdly dressed, like it was dressed to play with. I ran at them and tackled the Ender down. I stood up and grabbed her. "Take off." I said to her before I pushed her away. She ran off and the Z kept walking. "You're coming with me." I grabbed the Z and pulled it will me as I walked back to town. "What are we doing about it? We can't just stay here. Who knows what Murphy's up to." 10k said and I turned to look at her. "We could try talking to her again?" Doc asked. "Ya, because that worked so well." I muttered. "I could try again." I said to them.I turned to face 10k. "Let me try." he said to me. "She'll talk to me." he said and walked closer to her.

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