Party With The Zeros

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I heard gunshots and took it as the signal as I stopped leaning on the wall of the very small trailer. Doc helped Murphy as we ran out of the door. I kept up as Addy helped Doc with Murphy. The wall next to us, keeping the Z's out of Mexico and keeping them all here. I looked around as I jumped over more ruble. "Spread out." Warren said over gunfire. I speed walked away from here as Addy, Murphy and Doc followed her. I throw my one knife at Z ahead of me. I leaned on the wall of a trailer as I pointed my gun at the Z's. I took a few steps away from the wall and ripped my knife out. I heard Z's behind me and turned to face me. I took a few shots at them. I kept walked backwards as the Z's kept coming. The Z's stared at me, but slowly walked past me. I took my knife and stabbed the one next to me. Stared down at it before I grabbed my knife and ripped it out it's head. I ran off, holding my knife over my gun. 10k was kneeling at the next trailer taking shots as a Z was getting closer to him. I throw my knife at the Z and watched as it fell next to 10k. I ran over to him and pulled out my knife.

"Show off." he said to me. There was a sound and 10k took a shot, looking for a second. "Who's the show off?' I asked him. He smiled as I heard growling. I turned and saw the Z's and took a few shots off at them. "Jean, look out." 10k said as I turned to face a Z. I grabbed the Z and pushed it on the wall. Pushing my forearm around its neck as I held it there. Bring my knife up the Z got the upper hand and 10k took the shot. "You okay?" he asked me and I nodded at him. "10k." Warren said and I turned to face her. We followed after her as we ran closer to the broader. Warren told up to keep up then to hold, before we were next to the wall. "This really the border?' 10k asked as I stared at the wall. "Two thousand miles of it. No way around." Vasquez said. "shit. No way over." Addy said as I kept my eyes on the wall. "No way back." 10k said and I turned to see all the Z's walking closer to us.

"Here comes the goon squad." Doc said as I stared at the Z's. "Ammo?" Warren asked. "Half a clip." Vasquez said. "Three." Addy chipped in. "Four and three in my pocket." 10k said. "Don't look at me." Doc said. "Five." I muttered. "One. Save your ammo." Warren said and I stared at the Z's. "Murphy. Hey, get up!" Warren said grabbing him. "Hey! If you are the zombie messiah, now's the time for a miracle." Warren said to him, holding him up. "You've got to try, man." Doc said to him. "Remember the mission." Warren said to him as his hands were out in front of him. There was moaning and sounds as his hands were out, but Murphy's hands dropped as I stared at him. "I can't hold them!" Murphy yelled and I sighed. There was a huge explosion next to us. I turned as there was another one as ropes came down from the wall. There was a whistling and I turned. "Down here!" I heard this guy yelling. "You said it was time for a miracle." Doc said to us. The Z's growling at us as I stared. "Hey, do you wanna die?!" he asked us and I stared at the group. "Okay, let's go!" Warren said to us and we followed after her and down with him.

I dropped down and hear gun cocking. I pulled out my gun as the lights turned on. "In the name of La Reina de los Muertos, Queen of the Zeros Cartel, I strongly suggest you lower your weapons." The guy who saved us said. "Like the Z Weed Zeros?" Murphy asked as I saw a smiled on his face. "That would be us." this guy said. "Then I believe you are looking for me. I am The Murphy." Murphy said and I sighed. "This man is our prisoner. That CDC bounty is ours. If you try to take him away from us, I will blow his brains out." Warren said, pointed her gun as Murphy. "What the hell?" I asked, before covering my mouth. "El Murfi isn't worth a damn if he's dead. Now back off!" Warren yelled as I stared at at both of them. "Just want to make sure he's the real Murphy." our 'savior' said. "You wanna see the scars?" Murphy asked him. "I do." our 'savior' said.

"Not until you lower your weapons." Warren said. "Put them down" he said and the guns were lowered. I watched as Murphy took off his shirt as I stared. "Muu, great fan service." I whispered sarcastically to Addy, making her to snicker. 10k looked at us and I smiled up at him. "It is true then. If you lower your weapons, you have my word you will be safe." he said to us and I stared at him. "Look. If I wanted you dead, we would have left you out with the zombies. But La Reina is looking for you. She will give you the reward." our 'savior' said. "Remember the mission." Murphy said to Warren. "Remember everything else too."I muttered. "Watch what you say out loud." Murphy said to me. I started to laugh as I stared at him, as I shook my head. "Everything comes back around huh?" I asked laughing at him. He stared at me for a moment as I watched him, still laughing. "You both have a habit to say things out loud at the wrong time." Vasquez said to us. I turned to look at him and stared, stulfuled my laughter.

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