A New Live

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A/N: I may have put some references to other shows and movies in here. 

We stopped the truck and I became so nervous. I looked out the windshield as Doc turned to the truck off. George walked up to the truck and as Tommy and Doc opened the doors. George watched us before she looked up at me. I stared at her before her hand came out to me. "Come on." She told me. "What if-" "I won't let anything happen." She told me. I took her hand and got out of the truck. I looked up at the guards and they looked down at me. Tommy pulled me behind him as George walked up to the gate. I hung onto Tommy's jacket as we walked through the gate. One of the guards grabbed me and I turned to face them. "Though you could get past us without getting caught?" He asked. "Let her go." Tommy said to him. This guard turned to look up at him, from me. "George." Doc and Sarge said. George turned and came running up to us. "Let her go. Let her go." George said calmly. "But she's-" "No, she's not." Dante told him. "That's the girl you're looking for. This is her sister." George said and I was let go.

"Hey, Doc! You gotta go to quarantine first!" George said as Doc and Sarge were looking at around. I quickly followed after her and she turned to me. "George!" We both turned as people clapped at her. "Thanks guys." She muttered. "Dante, how's that Kevlar tape working out?' I heard someone ask. "Great. No guts have come out yet." Dante said back. "Got some new citizens for you." George said and everyone looked at us. "What's up? We come in peace." Doc said. "Welcome to Altura, the longest running zombie free outpost in all North America. Give yourselves a hand. You made it." this new lady said and everyone was clapping. I almost got shot getting here twice...not clapping. "Hey, where ya going?" Doc asked and George was walking away. "Don't worry. They'll take good care of you. See you on the inside." George said. "Uhh George." I muttered. "I'm going to clear this whole mess up. I'll be right back." She said and walked away from us.

"Ahh." Doc said, with his mouth hung open. "Any zombie bites? Mortal wounds? Organ failure?" this lady asked him. "Not that I noticed." Doc said. "Are we supposed to fill this out or are they?" I muttered. "Well someone wasn't paying attention." I turned to Sarge and she smiled at me. "They ask you." she told me and I nodded. "96.4 and you've got a pulse. You are certifiably alive." this lady said to Doc as she wrote some things down. "Good to know." Doc said to her. I watched as they took Doc photo and he blinked at the light. "Okay, Doc. Here's your application for citizenship and your voter registration." this lady said to Doc and he looked around. "Through the blue gate." she added. "Next." I heard and Sarge when up. I watched and started to bite my nails. Do I have a pulse? Am I alive or does Lucy's bite make me dead? Or am I half? Or am I-- "Next." I heard and I looked up at the lady. Here we go.

I took a seat in this lady's chair and looked up at her. "You look nervous." she said and I stared up at her. "I've got my life threaten... twice. All thanks to my sister and I have no idea--" "Can I have your attention please?" I heard a male's voice asked. "It has come to my attention that the criminal known as Julia has been stopped. She will no longer be a threat to us and our cities. Words will get out to the others soon." I heard and I sighed. Great could things get worse? "Was that your sister?" the lady asked as she had my wrist in her hand. "Yes." I said slowly. She put the thermometer in my mouth and I looked back up at her. "You have a slow pulse." She told me. "I run a lot." I told her, lying throw my teeth again. Maybe Murphy is right, maybe I'm the queen of lies. "89.9 and a weak pulse. Put a coat on." She told me and I nodded at her. I got up from the chair and stood up straight. They took my height and I stared. "5'3" I heard and I nodded. I watched it got written down. I walked over and stood on a scale. I stood there and watched the weight go up. "100 Ibs, that slightly low for your height." I was told. "It's the apocalypse, you tend to lose weight." I said up to this guy. "Ain't that the truth." he said back down to me. I took my papers and stood next to Sarge.

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