The Past

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Sometimes the truth hurts more that the way you remember it. The mind will change so things don't hurt at much or will just forget the truth in a whole and make something up to fill the hole. Sometimes that can hurt more then reality, even if reality sucks hard.

I sat there at the table as Ella and Julia were talking at the other end. 'If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. JULIET Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. ROMEO Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? JULIET Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer' the book read. Julia cleared her throat and I looked up at her from my book. "You were reading out loud again." she said to me. "Is that a problem?" I asked her and a small smile was on her face. " Yes, it is." Ella said and I turned to her. I stared at her for a moment before she rolled her eyes at me and went back to talking. I set the book down and looked out the window. Rain hit the glass as the Z's roamed around out, like the rain was nothing to them.

"Hey sis." I turned and pulled the blind closed. "I just wanted to make sure you're alright." She said to me. I nodded at her and she smiled again. "What were you and Ella talking about?" I asked her. She slowly rubbed her neck and looked at me. "The school." she said, looked down. "Were you talking about that boy again?" I asked her and she looked me right in the eyes. She looked pissed off at me and I stared at her as she tried to burn a hole in my head. "I don't want to talk about it." she said to me and I slowly nodded, before walking away from her. I walked over to the stairs and grabbed our binoculars from the table. "Geneva." I heard Julia say as I walked up the stairs.

One sad thing about living here still is the fact that there's no roof on the second floor anymore. It was ripped off one night, I think by a plane or a helicopter. I took a see on the bed, under the part that still has a roof and looked around. This was the one place around here were I could think and breathe from the two of them. I do care for Julia, but sometimes Ella bugs me. Ella showed up a week after this whole thing started and she been the best to have to fight of the Z's, but she's always been rude. Ella and Julia were always friends so she got to stay with us. Sadly we've be at each other throats for months now and Julia almost always takes Ella side. Ella gave this stupid smirk went she wins that just... I don't know how they were ever friends, but it's not up to me. I watched as the Z's walked around, not of them coming our way and I smiled at them. I slowly opened the book and stared at the front cover. 'To my sister, even if we get a younger siblings, I will always care for you.'  

"Hey Geneva?" I turned to look up at Julia. "Yes?' I asked her before she sat down next to me. "I want to tell you something." she said to me. I nodded and watched her, even thought she was kind of acting like I was a kid. "Sam, he was kind of a dick." She said and let out a laugh. I slowly nodded at her and she tried not to smile at me. " I only wish I could of seen that before." She said and looked out at the road. "I've done some horrible things in the past. None of them I can take back to the people in the pass, in the school." she said and rested her elbows on her knees, putting her head in her hair. "I just have all this guilt, you know." she said and I set my hand on her back. "Things will be fine Julia." I said to her and smiled at her. He wrapped her hands around me and pulled me in close to her. " I don't know, what I would do without you sis." She said to me. I hugged her back before I rubbed her back.

She stood and looked down at me. " Are we good?" She asked me and I smiled at me, giving her a nod. "Guys?' I heard Ella call. Julia and ran down the stairs and looked at Ella. " we have to go." Ella said as she pointed out the door. "Upstairs." Julia said. Ella and I ran up the stairs as Julia followed behind us. I stopped and looked around as Ella and Julia used the broken roof to get down. "Come on we have to get out, it's getting over run. Ella please tell her we have to go." Julia said to me as I stood there, looking around. "You know she won't listen to me." Ella said, sliding down the roof. I grabbed them and ran after them. Julia started the car and I looked at here. "Come on. Don't just stand there." She said and I jumped into the back of the car. "I wasn't going to to leave without these. They've come in handy before." I said to as we took off down the road. "Woohoo, yes we made it." Julia said as we drove down. "Julia please stop yelling in my ear and please be quiet the Z's." Ella said to her and i watched them. "Sorry mom." She said back to Ella. "Hey, no don't give me that. I saved you guys." Ella said, pointing it out again. "Ya, you're right sorry." Julia said back to her.

Julia looked thru the mirror at me, watching me for a moment. "You still put your seatbelt on?" She asked me. "Yes, and you should too." I said back to her. "She does have a point, you should put your seatbelt on." ella said to her. "And you have you're on too." Julia pointed out. "Two on one." Ella said to her. "That's not fair." Julia said to her. "Like life it?" Ella asked her. "Was it ever?" I asked and once she smiled at me and I slowly smiled back at her. "We should over to New York." Julia said and I looked over at her. " Why?" I asked and she smiled at me. "I don't know. Something different I guess." Julia said and I slowly nodded. "Watch out." Ella screamed and my head crashed into the front seat. "Geneva we have to get out of the car, Jean are Sis? Crap the car, Geneva. Please..." Her voice was faint as I tried to find her. I felt hands on me and I was pulled out of the car as I could hear screaming. There was bang and the car was ablaze. I closed my eyes as I was dragged away.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Neither Ella or Julia were around, I stood up and started to walk around. I found a window and used my binoculars. I looked around to find a burned car. I dropped them, but the string stopped them. I grabbed my things and took off back to the car. I ran as fast as I could and throw the door open. I grabbed the car door and looked down at the body. It's, all burned and black, I stabbed it head and looked at body for a moment. "Right height. Right eyes." I stopped and pulled her out. I slowly dragged her back to the house, but only heard a growl. I set her down and stabbed the Z in my way. I got back to the house after killing a few of them, but they aren't really alife are they? I set her down and began to dig. Next to mom and pur little brother. I slowly set her in and buried her back up.

" Sis, I don't know if this is really you or not, but you said you didn't know what you would do without me so it has to be you. You wouldn't leave me otherwise, I don't think. I really didn't want you go, I thought we would ride this out together, but you gone and things are different now. I'll live for the both of us and make it for as long as I can. I can't let you down now. I know you wanted things to be different and you wanted to tell everyone you were sorry about everything. Maybe.... Maybe know you can. Make it up with everyone and I'll fight on. Things should've changed before today, but they didn't, maybe you'd be standing with me right now. You said we should go to New York and now I'll fight to make it there." I said and stood up.

I grabbed my knife and walked away for all the pain. I was going to change things and I needed to keep my head high about it. I need to be brave without them. Memory love to play with your head and change over time. Things like a red hat being blue, but when a head is damaged things can change on you, more than you want them too. I had buried Ella burn body that I knew now and my sister had left me. That I still don't know why, but maybe I might find out.  

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