Sisters of Mercy

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I followed to group as we walked down dark halls. I didn't a light with me so I had to use the others to see where I was going. I kept up as we turned to down another hallway. The darken could be filled with anything. The dark luring in the dead to hid and devour the unsuspecting. I turned for a moment as I hear someone. It was faint, but it was a person."do you hear that?" I asked. " I don't hear anything." I heard back as I listened for the sound. I took a quick step and tripped, making a loud noise. "Jean." I hear Warren say. She didn't sound happy, but holding back. "Sorry." I muttered. "You alright kid?" Doc asked me and I slowly nodded at him. I heard movement before I stood up and looked up to face people. "Hold it right there." Warren said as I stared at them. "Addy? Mack?" I said. "Oh, it's the damn wonder twins." Murphy said, getting blinded. "Guys." Warren said to them, lowering her weapon. "What? The wonder... " "Hey!" Addy said over Doc. They all started to hug each other as I stood off to side for a moment. I was happy they were back, happy to have Addy back to talk to and Mack as another body, but part of me was thinking they leave us again and that part worried me.

"Are you just going to stand there staring off into space or get over and hug me?" Addy asked me and I smiled at her. I walked over to her as she had her arms out. "Just don't trip on anything getting there." Murphy said, I looked over at him as 10k elbowed him. "Ow." I heard Murphy say as I wrapped my arms around Addy. "I've missed you guys." I said to her. "I've missed you too kid." Addy said to me. She let me go, walking over to some else who needed a hug as I looked over at Mack. he shook his head for a moment before a smile was on his face. He had his arms out and I walked over to him. He hugged me and I sighed. "It's good to see you again." I muttered. "Sorry I gave you such a hard time kid." he said to me.

He let go of me as he walked over to the wall. "Citizen Z send you guys?" Mack asked, turning to group. "Yeah. He told us there was food and somebody named Chester who could help us out." Cassandra said to him. "Yeah, he told us that too. We're starting to have our doubts." Mack said. His eyes looked at Cassandra for a moment before backup as he said that. "Okay, well he should be, you know what, right down there. Let's hit it." Warren said and we followed her.

Warren knocked on the door. "Hello!" she said before opening the door. "Well I guess we found Chester." Addy said before walking over to his body. "Hello, Chester." she said to him as hit his head in. she banged his head in over and and over. Her grunting and brute strength bashing in his skull. I stared at her as bones could be heard. She stopped and looked over at us. "Somebody got up on the wrong side of the apocalypse." Murphy said out loud. I watched as Chester blood dripped over the Z wacker. "What happened to you guys out there?" Warren asked Mack. "She's working out some stuff. You know how things can catch up with you". Mack said to her.

"Chester? You got them yet? You got my team? Hello? Anyone?" I heard and turned, walking in some doors. I looked up at the screen, CZ looked at me for a moment as I stared at him. "CZ right?" I asked him, pointing at 'him.' "Ya, but haven't we meet before?" he asked me. "Jean." I heard and turned to Warren. "Warren? Addy, it's... Hey, hey, hey! Up here It's your old pal, Citizen Z. Oh, it's everyone. Hi, everyone. Hi! Addy, looking gorgeous as always.' He said before looking over at Mack. "Oh, hey uh, you must be Mack. Huh, kinda thought you'd be taller." CZ said to Mack. "I thought you'd be old enough to shave. Hmmm." Mack came back at him. "Hey, Murphy. Squeeze in so I can see you. Oh, hey. Yeah, lookin' good, sir. So guess what? I've got good news. California's back. They're alive and online, well most of them. But they're getting ready for you, and the dream is alive. The mission is a go, thanks to yours truly. That's good news, right?"CZ asked us as I looked at him.

"Good news would be a package of Oreos and a couple gallons of milk." 10k said back to him ass I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. "Oh, oh yeah, right. Sorry. Down the same hall, next door on your left. Should be everything that you need. I can't tell you how good it is to see you all again." CZ said to us"Yeah. Good to see us too, kid." Doc said to him, people started to leave, but I leaned on the wall. "Oh, hey, what was this place anyway?" Mack asked him. "It used to be a CIA black site." CZ said to him. "Oh. Oh, like waterboarding, Zero Dark Thirty, black site?" Mack asked. "Yeah, I kinda thought it would be obvious from what Chester told me. So where is the old crackpot anyway?" CZ asked him before Mack shook his head. "Oh man. Bummer." CZ said before they left. I got off the wall, but walked closer to the screen.

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