Corporate Retreat

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Running past trees, pushing brush out of my way. Using a tree to turn before shooting the Z. Putting my gun away and grabbed in knives. Turning my head to see two more Zs showing up. I sighed as I ran at them, stabbing both of them. Hearing the thuds of their bodies behind me as I heard someone yell of Warren. I ran after the sound and saw Addy, there was a Z behind her as she was busy with the one in front of her. I throw my knife at the Z and

Watched as the Z dropped behind her. She looked up at me and smiled as I nodded at her. I turned to see the group gathering together. I pointed to them to Addy and she nodded. I ran over and up the hill they were walking up. "It looks like a hotel." Warren said and I turned to stare at the building. "I thought we killed all these Zs last week." Doc said. "Maybe the Grand Canyon filled up." Addy said. "Not funny." Murphy said to her. "I wasn't kidding.' Addy said back to him. I walked closer to them and Addy turned to me. "Here, thanks by the way." she said to me. "Heads up. Let's check it out." Warren said.

I started to cough as we were. Warren started to pound on door before she looked in the glass. "Anybody in there?!" She yelled. "Do you think it's deserted?" Doc asked at I walked up the glass. I started to look around the glass and thought I saw something. "Give me that." Warren said to Doc. "Anytime now, Murphy!" Addy yelled. "All right! All right, I'll give it a shot." Murphy said to her. "This is just great." I muttered. "Why don't we just break the glass?" Doc asked. "No, cuz then the Zs will be able to get in." Warren said to him. "-we've seen outsiders." I faintly heard. "Did you hear that?" I asked them and they all turned to me. "I didn't hear anything." Warren and Doc said to me. "Maybe you're hearing things." Vasquez said to me. "Maybe they have- we can use." I heard again and leaned into the glass. "I heard something." I said to them. "Oh great Queen of Lies is going nuts now too." Murphy said and stared at him. "We can't just leave them out there. Iggy, you're defying consensus. Iggy! Don't! If you open the door, there are gonna be consequences." I heard and stepped back and pushed the corbar down. "There's somebody in there." DOc said and I stared at them. "Open up or you will be sorry!" Warren yelled at him.

The door opened and I stared. "Thank you." Warren said to the guy at the door. I heard guns cocking and turned to see a group of people pointing their guns at us. I was grabbed and pulled back. "Welcome." I heard a guy say. "I told you." I said to them. Warren grabbed the guy in front of her and walked into the building. "Lower your weapons!" Vasquez said pointing his as we all walking into the building. I pointed my gun up at them and waited. "Turn around and go back the way you came." We were told. "Look! We don't want to hurt you. But we cannot turn around. There are way too many Zs out there." Warren said to them. "Not much oxygen either." Doc added before the was bang on the glass. "Who's in charge?" Warren asked. "My name is Gideon Gould. I'm the facilitator here. But we don't really have a leader. Cuz everyone here participates in our decision making." he said walking down to us.

"Great. We just need some shelter until the smoke clears and some of those zombies move on." Warren said to him. I looked around the at the group above us, staring at them. "Okay." I heard and turned to look at Gideon. "We I think in order for us to put together a mutually beneficial agreement, we're gonna have to create a little framework of trust here." he added and I stared up at his group again. "Buddy, I'd have a lot more trust if you all pointed your weapons some place else." Murphy said to him. "Sure. It's okay, everybody." he said to his group and they put their weapons away. "What you got in mind, Mr. Gould?" Warren asked him. "Popcorn circle process?" I heard and looked up at this women. "You know what? That's exactly what I had in mind. That's a great idea. Yes, ma'am. Come on down here." Gideon said. "What the hell is it? Movie night?" I heard Murphy asked Addy and I laughed. 10k turned to look at me and I smiled up at him, before he gave a slight smile back.

"May I?" I heard this woman ask. "Yes, ma'am." Gideon said. "Thank you. Don't worry. It's not a weapon. It's a tool. We call it the talking stick. We use it to facilitate dialogue. When we make decisions, we pass it around the circle like a bowl of popcorn. Only the person who is holding the stick is allowed to speak. It makes it so much easier to be heard." She said to us and I stared at her. "Speak softly? Carry a big -cough- log?" Doc said as I kept my eyes on Gideon. "Except for this stick is used for peaceful conflict resolution and communication. Doctor Gould-" "Gideon, please." he said over her as I turned to look at him and caught sight of Murphy. I leaned over to 10k shoulder and he leaned down. "Murphy looking at that girl over there." I whispered in his ear. 10k turned to look over there and Murphy was still staring at this girl next to him. "Maybe he wants another pie girl?" he whispered with a smiled on his face. I kept my lips closed as a laugh escaped. "You're lucky I wasn't drinking water."I whspered before I head laughter.

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