Part 2

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We stopped the truck and I looked around the building. "Not exactly what I was hoping for.' Garnett said. "One of these days you're gonna learn to quit hoping for things." Murphy said. "You better hope not cuz that's when we leave your ass at the side of the road." Warren said. They walked closer to the doors of the building. "Halt! Who goes there!" this guard said, pointing his gun at one of us. "Sergeant Charles Garnett, National Guard. This is Lieutenant Roberta Warren,also National Guard." Garnett said as the guard interrupted him with 'State your business.' "We're on a high priority mission to get this man to a CDC lab in California. We were sent here by an Intell Officer from the NSA to see General McCandles. We need his help finding transpo. We were told he has a helicopter." Garnett said. How is calm right now? I'd be freaking out.

"Yeah, he's got a chopper. But General McCandles is a very busy man. He's got the entire east coast under his command. He can't worry about some raggedy ass group of civilians on a suicide mission. I suggest you move on before the infected find you." the guard said to us. I started over at him, eyes fixed on his movements. "Nothing raggedy ass about this group of civilians, sir. And this man has important information about a vaccine for the zombie virus." Warren said to him. He slowly stepped back and walked down over to us, gun still pointed. "He smells like a damn Z." Garud said. "You don't smell so good yourself, septic tank." Murphy retaliated. "You gonna help us or not?" Garnett asked him. "You want to see the General? You're going to have to pay a tribute. Gesture of goodwill to show him you're serious." Guard said. "What kind of tribute you have in mind?" Garnett asked. "Our medic has been MIA over a year. We need painkillers. Antibiotics. Anything you got." Guard said and Garnett turned to Doc. "I'll get my bag." Doc said. Doc walked over to the truck and I slowly handed him his bag. He smiled up at me as he took hold of it.

"I got aspirin, tetracycline, cipro. That should knock out most any infection." Doc said and the guard looked at him. " And oxycontin."he slowly added. " The oxy. We need painkillers." the guard said. I watched asdoc looked over at Garnett and hand one to the guard. "You want to see the General or not?" he asked Doc. "This is the last of our supply." Doc said to him. I watched as Doc gave him a few more. "That'll do." he said before taking the oxy. "Hey!" Doc yelled at him. We all just stood there for a moment. "The General will see you now." he said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at this hole moment, before I stood at the bottom of the stairs. There was this whole conversion at the door about not letting us in, because we didn't have 'sweet Jesus.' with us. I watched as Doc walked up the stairs and grabbed the guard. "Doc! Doc! Stand down!" I heard Garnett. There was a little more talking and like that Doc was gone.

"So, we're just going to sit here and wait?" Murphy asked. "Yes, we'll wait for Doc and the ok." Garnett said to him. "Should it really be taking this long?" Mack asked. "It takes time, just be practiced." Warren said in her mother voice. Mack and Addy took seat down at the steps. I stood there at the bottom of the steps. I heard a snarl and turned to see it walked in the distance. I looked up at 10k, but he wasn't there. I heard a sound, but it wasn't loud enough that I could make it out. I remembered where he when and looked up to see him on the ambulance. "One thousand ninety." I heard. "One thousand ninety-one." after another shot. "One thousand and ninety-two." I muttered as the shot killed it. He turned and looked at me as I stood there. "Is he back yet?" he asked me, I slowly shook my head.

I watched the world throw the binoculars, the z's slowly walking closer to us. I sat still so not to fall off the truck. "10K! Cover our flank. Don't let man or zombie follow us up." Garnett yelled. "Yes, sir. One thousand ninety-three." he said and the bullet when throw two of them. I smiled as I watched both for them fall to the ground. "No. Ninety-four." he said with a smirk on his face. I watched as his snip slowly pointed up as he set the base down. I looked over at him as he hand was sitting there. My smiled grow as I high fived him. I dug into his pocket for something and I watched him. He pulled out a smoke and I stared at him. "You smoke?" I asked him. "Very rarely." he said to me. I pulled out a lighter, but it wasn't working of him and z's were getting closer. I took it for him and tried to light it. I tried again and again. "Com- got it." I said and light his smoke. He took a puff and I watched as he took a shot. He missed and started at the gate he hit, my eyes widened. He grabbed it and took a another inhale, his eyes were staring as he did so, as if he was somewhere else. He drag when on for another moment, before he set it down.

He took a shot and he just stared, before he looked at me. "What's going on?"I asked him. "Just thinking." he muttered. I nodded as I watched the gate again, there was nothing for at this moment. "Can I ask you something?" He asked me. I turned and looked at him, his eyes watching me. "Who haunts you? Who's the she you were talking?" he asked slowly. He didn't look like he wanted to say anything after he asked.

"Come on. Don't just stand there." she said from the car. I grabbed the binoculars and opened the car door. "I wasn't going to left without these." I said to her. "They've come in handy before." she said and hit the gas. "Woohoo, yes we did it." she yelled from the driver seat. I stared out the window, air blowing my hair back. "You still your seatbelt on?" she asked me. I turned and looked at her for a moment. Her eyes no longer on the road and on me throw the window. "Yes, and you should too." I said to her. "Ha, no thanks." she said to me. "So, where are we going?" I asked. She smiled at me as I watched her. "Anywhere far from here. I want to get away from this stupid town." She said to me. "I am going to miss this town." I muttered. "You're----We're going to miss our world. Our old lives." she said to me. She turned to the road n time to run into another car. I covered my head and hit the seat in front of me. Pulling myself up,my hands grabbing the sit, looking up. X's were coming to the car, the loud noise drawing close.

"My sister." I muttered. "She haunts me, I couldn't save her..." I stopped and watched the gate again. "Z." I said to him. I watched as he shoot it and I heard yelling. "I hope they get to Doc soon." I muttered. I looked over at the building for a moment, there was gunshots and there was an explosion. "What the hell is going up there?" I asked. "No idea, but it can be good." he said to me. There was nothing for a few moments, before there was gunfire and yelling. "The hell-" I stopped as I heard a splat. "We should get back to the truck." he said to me and I followed him down.

We sat on the bed of the truck and I looked around. "They're coming." I said to him. "What happened to Doc?" 10k asked. Warren come up to the side, putting her hands on the truck. "He didn't make it." She said. I was frozen, there was nothing at this moment. "Zombies." Addy said. "Oh, whoa, whoa. Oh God, is that..." Mack stopped. "It's Doc." Addy said.

I stared at Doc, eyes fixed on his moment. "Someone's gotta..." Garnett stopped. "I'll do it. " Werren said and 10k head rested on his gun. I slowly put my hand on his shoulder. "Steven "Doc" Beck.I give you mercy." Warren said. I watched as the shot missed. "What the hell, Warren? You trying to kill me?" Doc asked and I almost jumped for joy. "You're alive?" Warren asked him. "Damn straight I'm alive." he said to us. "We thought you were dead." Garnett said as some of us were laughing. "Well so did I. Some numbskull threw a grenade in the air shaft I was stuck in." he said as I started to laugh. "Well hurry up!" Addy said. "Here." Warren handed him a handkerchief. "Come on." Mack said. "Give me a kiss, baby." Doc said to Warren, making her laugh.

"Here's a song for all the lonely people out there, which is just about everybody that's left. So if you've got somebody to go through the Apocalypse with, you better watch their backs. Cuz there ain't many of us left. And oh yeah, I'd like to dedicate this song to Addison Carver, wherever you are." I heard for the radio and I started to laugh. "I talked to the guy twice. Come on." Addy said before she got into the truck. "You know kid, I've been thinking about what you told me about your dad and how you wished he knew you did the right thing giving him mercy like you promised." Doc said to 10k. "Yeah?" he said back to him. "Well I just want you to know your dad knows what you did for him. And he knows you did the right thing. You kept your promise." Doc said to him. "Thanks." he said back to Doc. 

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