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Fuck. Now the hell do I do? "Yep, rough morning. You don't know that half of it." I told him. He sat down next to me and I stared at him. "So what? You and lover boy two thousand not--" "Stop, stop, stop, stop. No, nothing like that." I told him. "Then what is it?" He asked. I sighed and tested my head on my palm. "World ending crap." I told him. "It's always something with Warren." He said, turning away. I sighed and looked out the window. "Would you do something to help everyone even if it pissed someone off? Someone like Lucy?" I asked and he went silent. Not what I wanted from him. I turned to look at him and stared. He was thinking about it, not making a good faces.

"If it was Lucy, no I wouldn't do it. Try and make up for all the wrong I did to that poor kid. I failed her you know." He said and I just stared at him. "You didn't, she loved her life and she wanted to save you. She loved you and if you think you failed her then you should know, she couldn't life in a world without you." I quickly said back at him. "Thanks kid." He said back and I nodded. "So whatever you have to will piss off 10k huh?" Murphy asked. Crap he didn't get it. "Uh, sure." You said and Murphy stared at me. "Do what your heart tells you. That's what Warren would say right?" Murphy asked. "I'm not asking Warren, I'm asking you." I said back to him. "Do the smarter move. Help more people. That's what Lucy would have wanted." Murphy said.

"You're not going to break it off with 10k are you?" Murphy asked and I shook my head. "No, but I need your help." I said to him. "Help with what?" He asked me. "With a Wedding. George thinks it will help after everything that's happened." I said. "So Warren wants to use to boost morale. Great job Warren, push the kids into something they don't want to do for the public." Murphy said, mostly talking to himself. I just smiled at him, as if he knew what would happen afterward. God he's going to hate me. "Come on." Murphy said, taking my hand. "Where are we going?" I asked as he pulled me out of the seat. "To find some people." Murphy said. What, this makes no sense.

Murphy pushed me into a truck and I stared at him. The hell? "Murphy? Murphy, open the door!" I said, but there was nothing. Great, now I'm being kidnapped by Murphy. I felt the truck move and I grabbed onto the walls. There was no seat belts or even straps, nothing. "Murphy, if you don't drive-- AHH!" we hit a bump and I fell to the ground. "Murphy!" I yelled. We were moving fast, I had no idea where we were going. I couldn't even see anything. I'm going to kill him when I get out. "Maybe I won't let you out then." I heard Murphy in my head. "Murphy." I said loudly, but he didn't say anything back.


"Jean." I said and she was gone. I got to the door, taking the handle in my fingers. "There is one more thing." George said and I turned to face her. "One of the outskirts outposts has not come back online yet." George said. "Should we be worried?" Warren asked. "Not yet. It's just something to keep in mind" George said. I stared at her for a moment. "You are free to go now." She added, before looking at some papers. Warren turned and looked to the papers too. I walked out of the office and went down a hallway. Turning a corner I ran into someone. I looked up to see that is was Doc. "Hey 10k." He said to me. "Hi Doc." I said. "Hey Doc, Have you see Jean?" I asked him. "I think she went somewhere with Murphy." Doc said and I groaned.


The doors of the truck opened and the light blinded me. Murphy held his hand out and I slowly took it. Jumping out of the truck. "Where have you took me?" I asked him. "Us." I turned to see Hall and Addy. Hall pulled a walky talky out and said something to someone. "So what are we doing here?" I asked Murphy. He just smiled at me and I looked around. We were outside of the walls on Altura. I heard a growl and I turned to see a few z's walked toward us. "Murphy." I said and he sighed. "Ya, ya." He said. Murphy stared at them and raised his hands. The z's stopped and stood there. The z's didn't turn, they just stood there.

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