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Water. What I wouldn't give right now for water. For rain even, anything at this point. "Water isn't gonna find you just sitting there." I heard Murphy say. I turned to see him talking to Warren. "Why are you so freaking chipper?" she asked him. "I've been wondering that myself. Maybe it's cuz I conserve my precious bodily fluids." he said back to her. I tired to roll my eyes, but i was tired to do so. I slowly pushed myself up as the ground started to rumble. "What is that? Is it an earthquake?" 10k asked as the rumbling continued. "More like a zombie quake." doc said. I stared at the Z's as I could feel my eyes widen. "Goddamn guys just won't quit." Warren said as I tried to stand up. "I suggest we run for it." Murphy said and took off. "Come on, people. Pick it up." he said looking at us. I stared at him as I was standing on my feet. "I... We... can't. Dehydrated." Warren said to him. "Come on. Keep movin'. Come on." Murphy said. "Let's go." Warren said, but something in me won't move. I pushed my mind to move before I took a step. I felt a hand take mine as to pulled me with the group. "Come on. Move it." I heard Murphy say.

"This way." Warren said. I ran past Warren and stood in the back of the room we were in. " Wait." I heard, but I didn't look. "Don't shoot." I heard again. The gun when off as Z's were devouring the guy outside as I could hear my heart beating faster. The sound of it getting louder as it felt like it was crawling up my throat. The Z's pounded to door, as I felt my knee shake. I took a deep breath and turned away from the door. "I have to calm my..." I found myself stopping and falling to the ground as my eyes started to tunnel. I felt the ground smack my face as I was out.

"Geneva." I heard 10k mutter. "Don't-" I opened my eyes and stared at him. I stared at him as he looked down at me. His eyes were more tired than mine. "Not yet." I said to him. He let out a sigh as I looked around us. "Castor oil." I heard and looked over at this guy. I turned to Doc and started at him. The Z's were banging on the door, talking the door and windows and turning them almost into nothing. "We've got to get out of here." The guy said. "He's right." Murphy said. "Okay, this room isn't secure. We got to find someplace more secure. What's back there?"Warren asked Murphy as he had a door open. "Morgue."he said back to her. "Let's go." Warren said as I got off the ground. "You heard the lady! Let's go!" Murphy said.

"Yeah, yeah, all right." Doc said back to him. We all ran to the back room. As I got into the room I saw the guy looking at things. "Nuh-uh, no way. This place is a death trap." he said to us. "This isn't a death trap, it is death." I said looking at him.

He pushed past me before he looked out the doorway."Jerk." I muttered. I heard the sound of wood cracking as growling got louder. The guy stood there for a moment, before I grabbed him as Warren closed the door. Murphy listened throw to door as the guy walked around. He looked at me for a moment as I stared at him. "What?" I asked him. He just looked at me as I stood there. "Do I have something on my face?"I asked him. He walked away and sat down, so distance away from me. "Jerk." I muttered. I sat down next to 10k and Cassandra. "Wonder where they're all going?" Murphy asked."Nowhere.They're zombies." the guy said. "Be glad they don't have a leader." Murphy said. I watched as he walked closer to the group. "Now what?" he asked. "We wait them out." Warren said. "We can't just stay here and wait to die." Murphy said.

The was a moment with nothing before there was scratching. "Do you hear that or is that just in my head?"10k asked. Slowly nodded at him as I stood up hearing the scratching go on. "I hope it's rats." Cassandra said. "I think it's coming from in here."10k said as the scratching continued. "Awww, damn. How's a guy supposed to relax with all that going on?" Doc said sitting up and walking to the door. "I'll open it. You pike it."Doc said to 10k. "Don't open that drawer. Just leave it alone." this guy said."Calm down." Cassandra said. "A Jerk and a woss." I muttered. The scratching when on as they looked at the door. "One. Two. Three." Doc said and opened the door. The noise when on as the door stayed opened. "I think it's coming from this one." 10k said pointing at the door above. The door opened and Z came out at Doc as 10k stopped. I grabbed my knife and stared at it for a moment. I piked it, letting Doc to life another day. "You okay?"Warren asked Doc. he was breathing heavily as he looked at her. "Yeah." he said to her, before looking at Murphy. "Feel free to help out next time, Murphy." he said to him. I looked over at Cassandra for pointed at her hair. "What?" She asked. "You got an ear in your hair." 10k said to her. "What's new?"she asked. "They're coming in." the guy said.

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