White Light

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Warren was a head of the group as we ran after Murphy, her gun out and up. I had to run faster so my shorter legs could keep up. "Murphy." she yelled. Cassandra took off from Murphy as he turned left. The bounty hunter turned after him before we turned to corner. Murphy's hat flow off as a car drove in front of him. The bounty hunter took shots at the truck as I stood there, watching for a moment. He took more shots at the truck as it crashed into another car, cause me to drop to the ground. I stared as he killed the one guy and turned to look at us. He watched us for a moment before taking off. "Okay. It's like that, then." Warren said as I looked around. I heard a car or something and turned to see a jeep. Guys were in the jeep and had their guns pointed at us. I turned as the van had caught up to us. She stopped and pointed her gun at us as she cocked it. "Look out!" Mack yelled and we all ran from that side of the car. I rested my back on the car as did most of us. "Look out, kid!" Doc yelled and I looked up to see 10k and the wall and shot hit the wall. "10K! Murphy!' Warren yelled as glass shattered around us.

10k nodded and took off after Murphy. "Ugh! What the hell is going on?!" Addy asked. "It's a damn Murphy free for all!" Doc said as I watched the road. "Don't bite your nails." Mack said, pulling my hand away from my mouth. "I think it's time we need to..." " Time to go!" Warren said over Doc. I got up and started to run for it with the group. I turned to see a guy with a... "Crap." I muttered. I ran faster as I heard bang and could smell fire behind us. Warren turned left and we followed her down the road. I turned to see someone behind us. She pulled out her gun as a Z's ran at her. I looked ahead of me as I heard her scream. I kept running before I was jumped at. I fell on the ground, but I rolled my attacker so I had the upper hand. I started down at this woman as her gun was in hand.

she looked up at me and raised her gun. "Don't even think about it. " I said to her and I put my barrel of my gun on her head. she stared at me for a moment before she grabbed my hair. she pulled me off her and pushed me to the wall. she pointed his gun at my head, but I pushed it away from my head and kicked her butt to the ground. I put my heel in her back and stared down at her. "Don't try anything." I said darkly to her. she kicked my foot causing me to fall to the ground. I stared up at her as his gun pointed down at me. "Don't move." She said to me. "I'll make it painle-" Her gun fell to the ground as she turned to face Addy. "Don't take her." she said and kicked her. I got up and pulled out my knife as she had her pinned, her hand behind her. I plunged my knife into this women's back and she let her go. She turned and looked at me as I pulled the knife out. Addy started to run and took my hand, pulling me to the group. "Wait, please don't let me turn." She called out. I grabbed my gun and walked up to her. "I give you mercy." I said as she closed his eyes. I pulled the trigger and and watched as she fell to the ground.

Addy pulled to to the group as we were hiding behind a truck. Mack was shooting at some people after Murphy. I looked around as Doc took off, running. I looked up to see him running at 10k. He grabbed him and pulled him to us. "You scared the hell out of me, kid." Doc said as I ducked down and stared at 10k. "Where am I?" 10k asked loudly. "Don't worry. We got you now." Doc said before gunfire rained around us. "What?!" 10k yelled at Doc, fear in his eyes. "I said we got you now!" Doc yelled louder. "I can't hear you!" 10k yelled back. A shot had to have hit near Mack. "Insane!" he yelled out, firing his gun. I heard 10k head to face me, still seeing the fear in his face. I slowly raised my hands and lowered them as I let out a sigh. He let out air as he started to breath normally. " I still.." I covered his mouth as he stared at me.

"Why the hell is everybody shooting at everybody?!" I turned to face Addy. "Cuz Murphy's the golden goose!" Warren said as bullets flow again. A guy was shot in the head and he fell to the ground. "We're sitting ducks here. We're gonna have to split up into groups and keep moving. 10K, are you alright?" Warren asked. "What?!" 10k asked. "I think he's deaf." Doc said. "Doc. You take him with you." Warren said and Doc pointed at himself then at 10k. "You guys, get to the alley and cut east and advance north. Mack and Addy, you guys take the westside. We'll flush him out." Warren said. "Well... well what about the bounty hunters?" Doc asked. " Kill them too!" Warren said as she cocked her gun. "On my call. We'll cover you." Warren said before taking a shot. "Three, two, one. Go!" she said and they took off.

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