Adios, Muchachos

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"Javier Vasquez. A name that will go down in history." Kruian said. We should have never came here. "Wait!" what the hell did I just do? All eyes are me and I felt my face heat up as even Vasquez stared at me. "Jean what are you doing?" 10k asked me, holding my hand. "I'll be ok." I said, but it sounded like a question. "Trust me." I said, staring into his eyes. I walked closer to La Reina as Hector and Kruian tried to stop me. "Something's up. Murphy muttered something to himself and there was a smirk on his face. I think they have something planned." I whispered to Warren and she turned to La Reina. "What did she say?" La Reina asked Warren. Warren stared me as she nodded before at La Reina. I took a few steps back before walking back to the group. I watched as Warren was saying something to La Reina as he eyes were locked on me.

"On second thought. It is such a monumental accomplishment that the honor of the first dose should really go to you." La Reina said and I let out a sigh. "I can't. I wouldn't presume to take-" "Oh, please. I insist." La Reina said over Kruian. "I'm not worthy, my queen. If anyone should have the honor of the first dose, it should be you. Don't you think?" Kurian asked. "If that's what I thought, doctor, I would have said it." La Reina said. Kurian stood there before he locked eyes on me. "You little-" "Watch it Doctor." La Reina said over Kurian. I stared at La Reina as she looked over at me. "Well then, doctor?" La Reina asked. "Do you need some help, doctor?" Hector asked. He looked around before he stopped. "No." he said and pulled up his sleeve. He showed us the needle and before putting it in his arm. His eyes fluttered as he leaned on his chart. He tried to hold himself up, which didn't work as he fell to the floor. His arms came up a few times as he moaning in pain. "Kill him." La Reina said. His hand came up and we stared back down at him.

"Wait! Wait. Wait. Wait. I'm good. I'm good. I mean I'm... I'm fine." he said as he pulled himself us. He keep mumbling to mostly himself saying he was good. "Test him." La Reina said and someone what over with a box. "What? What's in that box?" Kurian asked as he looked around. The box started to growl and move. "No. No. I have my own test. I have... No. I have Please! I have my own test!." Kurian bagged before his hand was shoved in the box. He started screaming in pain as I could hear growling. "Okay, that's enough." La Reina said as they let his hand go. Kurian was holding his hand up as he screamed in pain. "He should've turned by now." La Reina said and I gulped. "I can't believe it. It actually worked." Kurian said as I stared up at 10k, as worry pulled on my face.

We stood there watching as Kurian injectited La Reina. Her breathing was heavy as she started to fall. She was carefully put down so she could sit. "I can see a world where humans dominate again. And it is all because of one person whose strength and courage and loyalty." La reina started at there were a few smiling faces. "Lieutenant Warren. Because of you, El Murfi is brought to us. Because of you, there is hope. You gave us the future." La Reina said as the other smiled faded. "And so you must be honored next." La Reina said as I froze. "This can't be good." I muttered. "I-" Warren stopped and stared at Murphy. "I don't know what to say." Warren said to her. "Oh, you don't have to say anything." La Reina said and hugged Warren. I heard walking and turned to see Murphy standing there. "My queen. Um, if I may, you will allow me..." Murphy started as he was thinking.

"Lieutenant Warren, you're right. I would never have gotten here without her. Would you please grant me the great honor of giving her the vaccine myself? And save her life as she has saved mine so many times." Murphy said as my mouth hung open. "That is a beautiful idea. I love it!" La Reina said as she looked at Murphy. La Reina started laughing kind of like she was high or drink. "Don't worry. The sting will go away in just a second." I heard Murphy say. "Mi Reina, please. These people are outsiders. Gabachos. You cannot trust them. You cannot trust her." Hector said and I stared at him. "Quiet, Hector. You be very careful with what you say next." La Reina said almost like a mother. "I'm just trying to protect what I have...what we have built. She brought the assassin. She wants to do you harm, Reina. And I can prove it. Just give me more time with him." Hector said almost bagging. "Go. Go." La reina said and they took off with Vasquez.

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