Welcome to The Fu-Bar

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The long grass blowing in the light breeze. The blue sky, filled with light clouds, nothing threatening the warm sunny weather. I slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I rested my back on end of the cad of the truck. The clouds slowly moved over along to sky, like dancer do on a stage, graceful. The truck bumped as it slowed down and there was smoke coming out of the engine. I got up and down to the road. "Radiator?" Mack asked as I walked closer. "Yeah." Doc said back to him. "Fixable?" Mack asked and turned to look under the truck. "Is it?" I asked, he looked at me with a smile on his face. "Don't know. Gee, if we only had a mechanic." Murphy said and I stared at him. "You got to let her deal, man. She's got that post-traumatic stress." Doc said. "She's got post-traumatic stress? The whole world's got post-traumatic stress. Actually there isn't anything post about it. We all got plain ol' present tense, all traumatic, all stress all the time. What makes her so special?" Murphy asked. "Murphy leave her alone." I said, standing in his way. "Move lying pants." he said to me and I stared at him. "Like your a saint?" I asked him. "Is someone on her-" "Ok that enough. Everyone just chill out." Doc said. I sighed and walked away from Murphy.

"Hey. Wake up. Hey. No, you can't just check out. We got a job to do. And I am running out of time. And California is still 2,000 miles of bad road away. And we are not gonna make it without you. Cuz it's not like they're gonna follow me or the old man or the wonder twins out there. Hey." Murphy said and I watched him. He walked back and saw me watching him. "What?" He asked me. "It was a nice try." I said to him, being honest. "All right, Addy and I will scout up ahead. See if we can get some help." Mack said and looked over at him. "We will?" Addy asked. "Yeah." he said to her. "Yeah, I dunno, guys. I think we should stick together." Doc said and I nodded. "No, Doc. Don't worry. We're just gonna scout ahead and circle back around and find you. I mean it's not like you're getting far in the truck." Mack said and I sighed. I turned to look under the truck and looked at 10k. "How are things?" I asked him. He just looked over at me and smiled. "That... nevermind." I muttered. I heard the bike take off. "I found the leak in the radiator hose. Taped it up a little bit, but we're not going anywhere unless we get some water in there." 10k said and nodded.

10k was under the truck again watching his tap job. I watched his leg as he was under the truck. "I get thirsty." Murphy said as 10k started to push himself out. "We all get thirsty." Doc said and took his. I felt someone hit my shoulder, I turned to Doc and looked at him. "Oh, sorry." I said to him and handed my water to him. "I'll drive." 10k said, jumping up. "Knock yourself out, kid." Doc said. I watched as everyone got back in the truck. Doc held the door open and I watched him. "Come on kid, get in." Doc said to me as he moved Murphy to the back. 10k hit the gas and the tire spun for a moment. I kleched my fisted for a moment, watching my knuckles turn white. "Whoa! Whoa! Easy there, kid! Easy! Who taught you how to drive?" Doc asked him. "Ahhh... no one." 10k said and I turned to face him. "Hands on the ten and the two. And easy on the gas." Doc said to him.

I watched the road and for once being in the truck I smiled. I felt someone leaning forward and I turned to see Murphy. "Go right." He said. "Why right?" Doc asked. "Why not?" he said back to us and made the turn. I watched the road and saw a sign up ahead. "No Zs. That's a good sign." Doc said and I looked at him. "Getting interesting." he said and I turned to see the next sign. "Liquor! Now you're talking. Murphy, we're gonna have to let you navigate more often." Doc said to him and they both laughed. "Congratulations, son. You're now the designated driver." Doc said to 10k. "What's that mean?" he asked Doc. "It means step on it!" Doc said to him and him and Murphy laughed. "It means they're going to get drunk. And you can't drink and drive." I whispered to him. He smirked as he watched the road, I slowly watched him. I smiled at him as I heard Murphy laugh. I looked back at him and his eyes stared at me. I rolled my eyes at him and sighed. "Queen of lies, that's getting old." he said to me. I just sighed and turned back to the road.

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