We Were Nowhere Near The Grand Canyon.

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I throw myself on the bed under Murphy and sighed. "Rough day?" he jokingly asked. "You don't know the half of it." I said to him. He laughed as I throw my hands over my head. "I wonder how many people dream about things going back?" I asked him. "Well I don't." he said to me. I grabbed his bunk and pulled myself up to see him. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Probably would have been killed." he said to me. "So things haven't changed for you." I said to him. He laughed as I stared at him. "What about you?" He asked me. I stared at him for a moment. "What about me?" I asked him. "How different would your life be?" he asked me. I thought about it for a moment, trying to figure it out. "I don't know." I said to him. He rolled over in the bed and I sighed. "But I did think about being a officer once." I said to him. He turned his head to face me and stared at me. "What? You asked." I said to him.

"You're serious?" he asked me. I nodded at him and he turned all the way over to face me. "You looked liked you were going to throw up in Roswell." he said to me. "You were what 16?" he asked me. "Around there way." I said to him. "And you knew what you wanted to be?" he asked me. "No, it was a thought." I said to him. I heard movement and turned to see 10k standing there. "Hey 10 cent. Did you know your girlfriend here wanted to a cop?" Murphy asked him. "You wanted to be in uniform?" he asked me. "It was a thought before this all happened." I said to them, blinking hard. "Wait- I don't think- no probably still would have." Murphy said to himself. "Stop making everything about you Murphy" 10k said to him. "If you haven't noticed wonder boy, everything is about me." Murphy said to him. "Guys stop." I started. "Jean are you ok?" 10k asked me. I turned to face him, but things were slightly blurry. He stared at me, his face full of worry. "When was the last time you slept?" he asked me. I just shrugged at him as he caught me from falling. "You're sleeping right now." 10k said to me. He picked me up as he grabbed my legs and bring me to his chest. 10k placed me on the bed under Murphy and I stared up looking up at him. He stared down at me before I closed my eyes, falling into the darkness.

I was standing in the dark, I tried to take a step, but bumped into something. I stood there and stared before I heard what sounded like a clicking of an old light. I turned slowly to see a scene in front of me. I walked closer to get a better view as I was a loud to. I stopped to see 10k and Doc. they were tied up as the pulled on the rope. They looked up at me in fear, tears running down their faces, pulling and tugging on the rope around them. I heard what sounded like a shoes on gravel. I slowly turned to see other people standing there, staring down at them. They walked past me, only for me to lose my footing. I swung on hands at the other people only for them to turn to smoke. I fell spinning down, realizing this fall was like jumping off and mountain. I hit the ground and took a huge swallow of air. I pushed myself up only to see my whole body broken or ripped apart. My head fell to the ground and I looked up to see something moving closer to me. A light under me clicked on and I stared up to see zombies falling toward me. I closed my eyes and waited for them to land on what was left of me, but there was nothing.

I opened my eyes again to see that I was on table. People were looking me over, taking notes about me. I tried to me only for my arms to be restrained. I pulled as hard as I could but I couldn't move. I tried to ask to be let go but all that came was a growl. I stopped and blinked hard a few times. I heard a door opened and saw the group standing around. Pointing guns as the notes taker and walking closer to me. "Oh kid." I turned to see Doc standing there, stared down at me. Warren walked closer to me and stared, her face was saddened. "Where is she?' I heard 10k say before Warren and Doc pulled him away from me. "She didn't make it kid." I heard Doc say. I'm right here, help me got out of this. "She's scared." I turned to face Murphy. " She wouldn't have wanted this." Addy said from the dark. Warren walked closer to me, her knife out. "I'll do it." I heard and felt tears running down my face. His knife was raised as I stared at him. Tears running down his face as I tried to pull myself off the table. "I'm sorry." he started as I stared to kick me feet. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. "I love you." he said and the lights turned off. "Ten thousand." I heard Murphy say.

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