Down The Mississippi

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A/N: warning this one is long. like really long... sorry about that. hope you like it. oh here have a funny pause frame I got. I was told it was like an hour. he he sorry. 

I slowly opened my eyes to see Tommy digging throw the dresser

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I slowly opened my eyes to see Tommy digging throw the dresser. I pushed myself up and stared at him, watching his movements. I got up off the bed and walked closer to him. "Find anything interesting?" I asked him. He turned and stared at me before I smiled at him. I looked into the dresser as he stepped away and I pulled out a skirt. I started to smiled to myself. I throw the skirt on and grabbed this new top. I slowly put my hand on Tommy's shoulder, making him turning to face me. He looked down at me and stared. I looked down and stared at it. "Oh." I walked over to pants and and ripped off the straps. I loped them throw the loops and turned to face him. "That's better." I said and smiled up at him. He walked up to me, wrapping his hand around me and kissing my head. "Look good in anything."he muttered. "Kids, lets go." I heard from outside the door. "Oh second Doc." I said to the door. I heard him walk away and I turned back to Tommy. "Guess it'll be awhile before I call you Tommy again huh." I said to him and he smiled down at me.

" I said to him and he smiled down at me

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"Let's go kids." I heard Warren as she pounded on the door. "We'll be down in a moment." I called out. I heard her walk away and I turned and grabbed 10k's goggles and handed it to him as he was picking up everything else he had tossed in the room. 10k was on his hands and knees and I stared at him, he was staring under the dresser. "What are you looking for?" I asked him. "Bandana." he muttered. I dropped the ground and looked under the bed. "When Warren says it time to go, it's time to- Oh" I turned to see Murphy stand there. I stood up and stared at him. "What the hell are you too doing?" he asked and the others looked in. I turned to Addy, who was looking around, Warren was staring at us and Doc was looking around the room. I could see Vasquez standing by the stairs, watching for afar.

I looked under the bed again and took hold of something. "I'll ask again, what are you two-" " Found it." I said, resting on my knees and holding it up. Murphy rolled his eyes at me and I started to laugh at him. He walked away, pushed Doc and Addy out of his way. I stood up and turned to 10k. I handed him his bandana, he carefully took it from me before I took his hand. I turned to Warren and smiled at her. "Let's go." I said to her and she nodded. The all walked out of the doorway and down the stairs. "Well that was fun." I muttered, turning back to 10k. " You snore." he muttered, holding a smile on his face.I punched him little in the arm. "So do you." I said to him and I started to laugh. "We're leaving." I heard Warren cal up to us. I turned and started to run out the door before 10k stopped. I turned to him and grabbed his sniper rifle, he had it in his hands and started to run again dragging him with me.

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