Warren's Dream

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I stared down at my hands as I sat there. "Hey, you ok?' I turned to look up at him. "Huh, Ya. Ya, I'm good." I told him. He sat down next to me and I stared at him. "What's going on?" He asked me. "You know when you dream about the real world, but something is slightly different?" I asked him. He kept his eyes on me as we sat there. "I don't know, things feel different." I said before I jumped off the braunch. I heard him land and I looked over at him. "Maybe it's just the weather?" He said and stared up at him. "Maybe, like a huge storm." I muttered before I stopped to think about it. "I guess so." I looked up as I heard growling. "Something's coming."Tommy whispered. "It's not a Z." I whispered. I watched as they run closer to us. They stopped to caught their breathe and I stared at them. Tommy hit them inn the head with the butt of the gun and they fell. They grabbed Tommy and I jumped on them.

I stared down and realized who it was. "Oh, hello Doc." I said to him and smiled down at him. "Jean? What the hell? You're a blonde now?" he stopped and stared at me. "Tommy look it's Doc." I said, pointing down at him. I got up and helped Doc off the ground. "10k, look at you." Doc said before I heard growling. "We should go." I said to them, I staring at the z's walking this way. "This way." Doc said, before we ran off. I ran up to them as I could keep hearing them growling. I stopped and stared at the Z's. "What on earth is she doing?" I heard doc asked. "Will you two go." I said to them. I heard them run off and toward home. I grabbed a Z that walked past me. "I don't think so." I muttered, holding it in place.


"Will she be ok?" Doc asked as he sat down. I stood in place as I waited. "That was a lot of Z's, don't you think they'll kill her. She's clearing out numbered." Doc added before he got up and I pushed him to sit down. I walked back to the opening and stood there. "Really we should go after her." Doc said, before she grabbed my hand and I helped her up. She stood there as I closed the door.


"That didn't take long." I muttered. "Show off." Tommy whispered in my ear. "Oh sure, you'd not know how to show off, Mister. What was that you did las-" he covered my mouth and I stared over at Doc. Oh ya Doc's here. I pulled his hand away from my lips and I stared at Doc. "How are feeling Doc?" I asked him, before I pulled my gloves off and touched his head. "I'm fine darlin', but what about you?" He asked me. "I'm good Doc." I said to him as I kept my eyes on his head. "Sorry about that, Doc." Tommy said. "That's okay, kid. It's gonna take more than a headbutt to bring this ole Billy Goat down." Doc said to him.I took a set back and doc started to look around. "You know, I've never been tree camping. Pretty nice little set up you got here." Doc said and I looked around. I touched his head one more time and sighed. "Not going to bleed." I said to him. "Thanks darin'." Doc said as Tommy handing me a cloth. "Doc, what's with all this darin' talk?" I asked him before I looked down st the cloth. "Well you are a darlin'." he said. I stared at the cloth and sighed. "I'm covered." I muttered. "Your hair is not." Tommy said and I looked at him.

"I'm going to put something else on." I said as I grabbed something. I heard a grunt and turned to see that Doc has a pillow covering his eyes as Tommy stood there with his back to me. I smiled at them and quickly pulled the clothes on. I turned around and pulled the pillow away form Doc and throw it at Tommy. He quickly caught it and I smiled at him. "Sure is good to see you both." Doc muttered and I turned to face him. "How long has it been? About a year?" Doc asked and I thought about it. "Longer than that, it's closer to two." I said and he sighed. "Time flies when you're killing Zs." doc said and I stared at him. "So what brings you out here?" Tommy asked him. "Well actually, I've been looking for you two." Doc said before he smiled at us. "This is about some mission to find Murphy?" We both asked him. "Oh, no, no, no, hell no." Doc said to us. "That bite still hurts." Tommy stated as I stared over at him. I quickly turned to face Doc. "If this isn't about Murphy, then what's going on?" I asked him.

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