Miss President

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Running down the path wasn't the hard part, either was the voting. I knew who should be in charge. No questions asked. "Hey guys." I heard and I turned to face Hall. He had to have been running. It was all over his face. "It's Warren." I heard and I locked my eyes on him. "What are you talking about?" I asked him. "She was shot." He said. " She's been What?" I said loudly. "That's not the weird part." He said. "Then what is?" Sarge asked. "She's alive.. And not bleeding."He said. "Where is she? I have to see her." I said. "No, you're going to stay--" I turned to Sarge and stared right at her. "Don't tell-- I have to see her." I said. "She's this way." Hall said. I followed behind him as we walked into the building.

"You again?" I heard Murphy ask. "No, I can't let you in there." Murphy added. "Oh, it's not me who wants in there." Hall said. I popped out from behind Hall and Murphy's eyes widened. "Kid--you're were-- I mean, I couldn't--" he couldn't put words together. I walked closer to him and he held his hands out. I hugged him before he engulfed me. "How?" He asked. "Sarge.... She did something. It woke me up." I said. He pulled me away from him and stared at me. "Sarge?" He asked and I nodded at him. "Well I know someone who's getting a christmas card." Murphy said. I heard the door open and I turned to see a man coming out. "Hello." I said. "Hello." He said back, before walking away. I turned to Murphy and stared at him. "Who was that?" I whispered. "Some guy Warren knows." Murphy said back to me. "Just some guy?" I asked. "Well he did save her." Murphy said.

"He saved Warren?" I asked. "Yes, but he also locked me in a truck of a car." Murphy said. "Oh." I said. I stared back at the door and pushed Murphy out of the way, "What are you doing?" Murphy asked. "I'm going to see Warren." I said. "You can't go in there." Murphy said. I turned to him as he ahold of my wrist. "I wouldn't stop her if I was you." Hall said to Murphy. "No one asked you blondy." Murphy said. "Murphy." I said. "Why don't you go home to the store we found you at." Murphy said. "You know what--" "What? You going to tell us--" "Murphy! Stop it." I said loudly. I got in front of Murphy and reached my hands up to his cheeks. "That's enough. I know you've been stressed out lately, but taking it out of Hall isn't helping."I told him. "You got it?" I asked. "Ya, I got it." Murphy said. "I would have hit him." Hall whispered. "I was thinking about it." I said. I walked past them and to the door. I knocked lightly and the door opened on its own.

I walked in and there stood Warren. Her eyes locked on me as her hand was raised close to the door. "Jean. what is going on out there? Why were you yelling?" Warren asked. "Pointless story." I said, waving her off. "How are you? I came running once I heard what happened." I said, walking over to the couch. "I'm...fine." She said. I sat down and stared at her. "Are you sure? Cause I wouldn't be." I said. Warren walked and sat down next to me of the couch. "I'm...dealing with it." Warren said. I slowly nodded at her. "Murphy told me something... he said you were back at Limbo." Warren said. "I was... they uh-- it's doesn't matter. I'm here now and it was thanks to Sarge." I said. Warren nodded as I stared at her. "I'm glad you're ok." I said. There was a knock at the door and we looked up. "Ladies. We have to go." Murphy said.

"May I have your attention please! Ladies and gentlemen, living and dead and those in between. The polls are now officially closed. The votes are now being tallied." Doc said as Warren, Murphy and I got back. I smiled up at Doc as I stood there. "Hey, there you are." I turned and I smiled at Tommy. "I have something for you." Tommy said and I smiled at him. His hand went into his pocket and pulled out the chain. I smiled at him as he lowered it into my hand. I held the ring in my finger and stared at it. "Well, it's not much of apocalypse now." I said. Tommy stared at me and I took the ring off the chain. I held it in one hand as I slide the-- Tommy' shand came over mine. I looked up at him and stared.

"You still want to...do this?" Tommy asked. I raised my hand up the cheek. "Of cause I do. Tommy, I'm not leaving you. I didn't leave when Murphy took you or when we thought you were deaf and I'm not leaving you now cause you lost your hand. I'm not going to leave." I said. Tommy raised his hand, taking the ring from my hands. "At least let me. You won't last time." Tommy said. I smiled up at him and nodded. The ring slipped on and I hugged him, my feet coming off the ground. Tommy set me on the ground and I looked up at him. I looked down at my hand. "I can't believe it fits." I muttered. "Me either." Tommy said back.

"Everybody, what do you say we get George up here to announce the results? Come on, George!" Doc said and I turned to look at George. "Come on, George." Someone said. People in the crowd started to chant Goerge over and over again. I watched as George walked over to the stairs and climb them. Her and Doc hugged and people started to clap. I clapped my hands, smiling up at her. "I was going to give this speech--"the bull horn made a sound. I covered my ears as did some other people. "Sorry." George said. I dropped my hands and looked back up at her, "Can everyone hear me?" George asked. "Yes!" different people in the crowd said. "Good. I was going to give this speech, it feels like a lifetime ago, before the bombings. It was a different speech back then. For a different world. And so much has changed. I know I have." George said as I stared up at her. I heard a door close and I turned.

"But one thing has always remained the same. My belief in democracy and the rule of law." George said as I watched Murphy walk out. Where is he going? What was that-- there was clapping and I turned back, clapping along. "I lost a lot of friends getting here. We all did. But I gained some new friends too. Friends who taught me the meaning of the words loyalty and courage. Who showed me what can be done when we have each other's backs. What could be accomplished when we believed in one another. And carry each other forward, no matter the obstacle. There were so many times I thought this moment would never come. And yet, here we are. So, without further delay, the moment we've all been waiting so very long for! Let's get to the results." George said. I watched as she opened the small letter and she looked at us. Huge grin on her face. I smiled as the rest was mute. 

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