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Nothing called a "Perfect Plan". No matter how perfect you planned it, there will always a cracks on them. And a detective job is to unravel those cracks. Even a coincident is part of the plan; a God's plan.


The bullet fled from the revolver in his hand. Not even a slight of hesitancy showed from his face. Only a look of disgust, anger, and a cold eye that pierced through heart.

No one dared to even breath at the sight. Until blood stained the wall behind his target.

"Game Over" he said, while tilting his head with a smirk of amusement.

Turning his back from the unconscious bloody man over the wall, he glanced at a certain girl that laying still on the floor; with a shocked, widened eyes and a faltering scream hanging on her throat.

"No... It can't be... You would never...!" came a trembling voices from her blood-stained mouth, with a disbelieve look coloring her teary eyes.



- Friday, 10.00 A.M. Kudou Residence -

"You sure about this?" said a pretty, long-haired woman in her early thirty to her only son hesitantly.

"Well, it's risky. But we have to try this first before our planned day comes" he said with a reassuring smile while looking into the big mirror in the closet in his house.

"I'd say, why wouldn't you join us with such as good skills of yours, ma'am?" said a man wearing a black turtleneck without holding back his amuse look, inspecting a younger man from head to toe.

"Oh, I'd love to!" she answered with an overly cheering attitude while clapping her hands –which some certain guy will consider it as flirting, though- and continued "But that will require permission from my husband, and I'm not sure he will grant it" she said while sighing.

"He won't! And neither will I" he cut her while waving his hand in the air, going straight to the door gesturing the conversation is over.

"Too bad" the turtleneck man shrugged.

"Say, you didn't look confuse or even shock seeing him at all. Have you even guessed it this far?" asked the older woman curiously.


"Well, I'd hope no less from our scarlet agent, though" she chuckled and followed her son to the living room.

In the living room, stand an elder man with big, round glasses wearing a lab-coat coming over to the guy, rushing with his belly-bottom shaking from the rush.

"Shinichi-kun! Is this really you?" said he with overly gleaming eyes.

"Keep it down, Hakase! We don't want her to suspect any of this trial, do we?" he shushed him glancing to his neighbor house where a shrinking scientist were busy with her new blood sample in hand, calculating every aspect of the drug's contents with current state of her living specimen named Kudou Shinichi.

"Do we have everything prepared, Shin-chan?" she asked while coming down from the stairs.

"Yeah, it should be done by now. And don't call me that!" he sulked.

- Friday, 9 A.M. Mouri Tantei Jimusho -

A loud knock on the detective office's door waked the middle-aged detective up with a drool on his jaw "Who the heck?!"

"Se ya, Se ya*! Wassup, occhan*?" came a loud Osaka-ben's morning greetings from the dark-skinned highschool detective, Hattori Heiji.
Sigh... "What are you doing here, you brat?" a sarcastic greetings with annoyance shot back at him.
"Where's Ku, err, Conan?" he asked ignoring the glare.
"Asking another annoying brat, huh... He's out" he said uninterested.
"Out? Where?" he asked again consistently.
"Why would I know where that brat going? Probably playing detectives with his group somewhere out there" he said while shooing the curious Hattori away.

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