Triumphant Return

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He is not a typical of a romantic guy, but since what had happened in London, he has always been wanting to come back to her more than before, and to do what he always wants to; with his own voice, with his real body: as Kudou Shinichi.

But why is the timing always seeming to be his problem?

He had made her wait for him all this time. He promised her to come back. Yet when he is back to his former self, he always running from her. He knows how that made her feel more than anyone, yet he has no control for stopping her cry over him.

Enough is enough.

No more lying, no more running, no more hiding, no more hurting her like this. He will make it end; he has no control but he has choice.

He will end this. Now

- Friday, 07.30 P.M. Kudou Residence, Study Room -

"You are being ridiculously stupid" a little girl that still wears a lab coat with coffee stain in one of her sock shot a daggers at a tall boy that is currently sitting on a chair behind his study desk, leaning his chin on both of his arms "You know what will happen to her once she knows about them" she continued"I can't believe you will act just on your impulse and let her be in danger. Abandoning all of our efforts all this time for your stupid feeli..." he cut her off before she even managed to finish "I know what I do, Haibara" with stern voice and a determined look "I know what I do" he looked at her like never before, shocking her by his force and his determined decision, while he continued"And it's not entirely because of my feelings and of a momentary impulse. If that's the case, I certainly had done so million times before. Besides, it wouldn't affect my plan, instead it will make our chances higher. If I want to set this to an end, I have to use all my power and source to its maximum. And to do that, I need her" there is a finality in his voice that has an implication of his final decision that couldn't be change anymore, no matter what she or anyone else say regarding this matter.

She sighed a defeated knowing he wouldn't back down "Fine. If you're certain, it's all on you. I wouldn't want to be held responsible should anything happen to her, though" she turned her body towards the door, wanting to leave from his presence before she changed her mind, but she had to make sure about this other thing before she leaves "... I guess you're making a right decision. Because she'll need you and your constant presence a lot, especially after what had happened to her today. Just make sure she takes her medicine as the doctor had prescribe. Well, psychology isn't my expertise, so don't come crying to me later about how to handle her feelings" she opened the door and ready to fled from this disturbance to continuing her analysis of the APTX antidote that is coming closer to what it should have to be: to be able to work properly next time she tries it on her sample –which she called big headed Kudou Shinichi- when she heard him saying "I know. And thanks, Haibara. Really, thanks" that made her cheeks feels a bit warmer "Idiot... Your welcome" she said as she strode back to her comfortable little lab next-door.

She met familiar faces inside Kudou residence and only nodded her head without even taking trouble to greet any of them. She looked back to the stairs directing to one of the room located in the deeper corridor of the second floor once again and said "Good luck, Kudou-kun" rather to herself and opened the door.

During her trip to Hakase's house, she remembered the first time she saw a bank robbery in the news channel. At first, she doesn't even have any interest to following the case, she doesn't even bother to takes a glances at the news that being tuned loudly in Hakase's living room. As she took a rest to grab some more coffee and perhaps a bit of blueberry sandwich to accompany her research, her eyes suddenly locked on the big screen that showed a black 356 A Porsche, only a few second before the glittering silver haired-man entered the front seat of the car then vanish into dark-street. She had dropped her glass full of hot coffee into her slipper, she can't even remember the hot liquid touching her bare skin around her foot; as her attention focused on the news fully and yelled "Hakase... Hakase!" but she found no one in the big house. As her instinct told her something was going wrong, she dashed towards the next-door house in an attempt to seek a certain detective, while hoping he wouldn't be that stupid to mingling into another dangerous case that have a direct connection with them. She barged into Kudou Residence without even a care of her mannerism, and found that only Hakase was in the house, his back towards her while he busied himself looking at the laptop that showed some scenes –two of them- the first one showed just a cement flooring. What made her eyes widened is the other scene that showed a man with a big-built tried to hold a woman's hand down with that disgusting looks on his face. Once he held the woman's hand, he pulled it up her head and tore her upper clothing until it ripped into pieces of rag and he smirked. As he lowered his head, she could only saw his hair sprang from the screen, because it was hard to follow the movement as the screen rustling left and right with high speed, before she saw that disgusting face winching in a pain, and the screen swirled around the room and showed a kick being landed right in his face. The man looked furious as he pulled his riffle and directing it towards the screen, but then a white shirt blocked the screen and she could hear some yelling.

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