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"You are free to believe what you choose to believe; the more so when you have a proof. It was there because something really happened, right?" oi, oi! Why are you contradicting yourself now? "You are welcome anytime if you want to talk about it, Sera" although I really wanted to smack him, I gave her the best charming smile ever before she shut the door. With the same blushing cheek as the ponytailed girl from before.


Speaking about charmed blushing girl, it remembered me about what I heard before he came (Oh yes, I still had the earpiece on one of my ear. But of course, I made it invincible with my disguise trick... Okay, I was just putting on some make-up and a bit plasticyn to covers it)


"Haibara, do you have sisters? I mean, do you have family other than Miyano Akemi?"
"She is the only family I had. Both our parents were dead when we're still young"

"Then, how about cousins?"
"Dunno. Never met anyone beside my sis"

"I see..."
"Why? You wanna make one for me? A family, I mean..."

"What funny things are you saying?"

"You already have one, don't you? There is professor, the kids, and also me and Ran. You also have a place to be now. So, don't go and throw it all like it was nothing"

"I have never had any intention to do so, though"

"But you tend to do it in times of danger. Don't ever think that sacrificing yourself will make it all better. Don't you think that it will break their heart more by doing so? You had lost your sister in order to protect you, so you must have known how it feels to be left like that. That is why no matter what, you must thrive hard to live, Haibara"

"Whatever brings you to be like this, Kudou-kun?"
"I was just saying, you know"

"I see. I nearly think that there were some errors on the temporary antidote I gave you earlier that made a change of attitude on the test subject because of some brain damage as a side effect"

"Ha ha ha... You are so not cute"
"Thank you for your compliment"

I heard voice of door shutting. At first I thought that little girl has left the room. But I knew it was the other way around when I heard her chuckling. With an almost inaudible voice she said

"You are kind, Kudou-kun. So very kind. But that's what makes you the cruelest to me..."

Then a long silent before I heard a knock on the door "Ah, sorry I forgot my vest"

"... You came back just for that?"
"Yeah, it's... chilly outside, you know. Well, then"


"... No. It's nothing"
"? Ah! I forgot to say. Thanks for this, you're a life saver!"

"Hmph! I didn't do it for you"
"Yeah, yeah. I know"

-back to the now-

I followed him upstairs after he commanded, I mean, begged me to, leaving after he set his girlfriend warm and comfortable on the couch, that included brought her a tea and some snack to spend her recuperate time with.

"You sure are popular among women, aren't you?"


Don't give me that 'huh'. After disguising as you even just for half a day, I could tell who had been smitten by you. Moreover, there are more than one person. But looking at your oblivious expression, I sincerely took pity on you

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