Another Pawn

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- Saturday, 07.25 A.M. Kudou Residence, Study Room -

As I opened the door to the library, I could see my mom were readying herself –wait, was that my boxer she's been plugging onto? -
"Shin-chan! I didn't think you'll be here on time"

I deadpanned her "Good morning to you too, Mom, Dad"

"Finished your business?" I'm gonna wipe that annoying smirk off your face, Dad.

"None you should know. And Mom, what are you doing with my boxer on?"

"Ckckck... We need to be thorough in everything we do, my dear" she really remembered me of someone; he also did that kind of being thorough too... using that damn underwear tricks on me, this time I'll make sure I'll make him regret that. Oh, and also for using that dirty camera-on-the-dove-trick, you'll pay for your deed miserably and...

"I contacted my friends from Interpol. He'd want to see that directly" okay, let's forget about that thief for now.

"It's still too dangerous to let it out now. I'll just give them the copy of their share. They will have to be extra careful, not to let them know we knew" opposing my father's inquiry was the first for me, however I have to be extra careful regarding about this matter.

"I know where you've come from, Shinichi. But we also have to put ourselves in their shoes. This is a very delicate matter, so it was only natural that they would want to make sure the authenticity of the information and its source" well, it's true. I nearly fell from my chair when they didn't even require my personal information then.

"Fine. But please make sure the one who will indulge in this matter is trustworthy" said I correcting my opinion.

"I'm not gonna put my son's life in the hand of someone that isn't trustworthy, Shinichi" Dad looked at me with quite a serious eyes.

"I know, Dad. It's not about me. It's about her. That's why..." ugh, I don't want to imagine how she will gonna react when I tell her this. I just hope she wouldn't throw one of her dangerous alchemic reaction to my face... and hope that she'll want to cooperate with my 'crazy plan', as she would phrases it.

"I understand. It will make do for now" Good. I knew Dad will do something to make it in line with what we've been planning.

"Coming from you, I guess it will be enough of a prove, Dad. They have no other way than to believe you" and they'll have no other option than to cooperate, I added while reading Dad's facial expression.

"I guess so. Then, how about Zero?" ugh, I nearly forgot him.

"He'll be there" he needed to be there.

"Good. This will double the result" hahaha... sure it will, but I also have to double the effort, too. In order to make him come even knowing that Akai-san will also be there. Well, my job isn't just to arrange the meeting, somehow I have to persuade them so that they could work together in a team. That's where the problem lies. Can they really cooperate?

"The thing is, he is a bit... well, doesn't matter. It will work somehow" I hope he'll listen to me. I ought to make some back-up plans in case he wouldn't cooperate and go berserk with Akai-san like last time*...

"Preparation complete, guys. We need to get going now. Yuusaku, be careful okay?" Mom chirped disintegrating my train of thoughts.

"You should be careful yourself, dear" oh, here comes the infamous-lovey-dovey-comedy-duo...

"Oh, don't worry about me. I handle Shin-chan all the time and I'm still alive"

"What was that supposed to mean, Mom?" Am I that poisonous?

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