Bread Crumbs

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I really don't want to say this fucked up things so I turned away from her while saying "I'll back being Conan again in about 5 hours" and I sighed my biggest sigh in my whole life.

When I can't feel any reaction from her, I turned my head again to looked into her eyes "You'll return being... Conan-kun... again?" I can't say a thing so I just nodded "But... Then..." she didn't continue her words in a long time, as she was thinking about something. So I patiently wait for her to be back from her musings, while observing her face.

I could guess what she's been thinking only by seeing her expression though.

First, a worry all over her face, with a clear disappointment. Then a sad one, and a... longing?
But then, she brightened up and she sighed in relieved, followed by a content smile. But suddenly she frowned, and tilted her head in a thinking position. Then as she clapped her hands as she brightened up again, she smiled shyly but she seemed very happy and satisfied. Last, I could see her face combust before she covered it with both of her hands.


"Just what... were you thinking, Ran?" I asked her incredulously. But she gave no response as she was still trying to control her flushing red face;  that kept burning like a ripe tomato. Seeing her like that, I could feel my cheeks become warmer too "Geez... You are so..." I tried to cover my embarrassment by putting my chin in my palm.
"Wh... What?" she tried to sound and look innocent as she looked into my eyes, but instead it provoked me to put her into a confession.

"Let me tell you what you were thinking" no joke, it didn't take a detective to be able to guess

"Will it be alright for him being back into Conan?" I started chanting my deductions that I'm certain of it's correctiveness  "Even if he managed to do it before, will he be okay this time?" I peeped through my closed eyes "But, I don't want Shinichi to leave me again, after we finally could be together. But wait! If he became Conan again, we could still be together like always. Thank God, I could still see Shinichi every day even as Conan" I saw her gaping her mouth "Ah, but I couldn't treat Conan as how I treated Shinichi. But I want Shinichi to be Shinichi when it's just the two of us. And perhaps, a kiss or two wouldn't be that bad..." as I finished my deduction, she managed to make a very funny reaction, and her face become even redder -if that's still possible- while stuttering a words I can't catch
"Wh, Why...? N-no, it's... I... I just... It's not..." she really looked like a fish gaping for water.

"It's as clear as a day, you know?" I deadpanned her, thus made her squeaked in panic, but she managed to grab a pillow and threw it right into my smirking face "Stupid Shinichi!"

"Shota-kon!" seeing her flustered like this, it only made me want to tease her even more
"Wha...? How dare you!" she jumped me, trying to landed her spoiled punch into my chest. Well, a years of dodging practice come into handy in this kind of situation. Added that her wounded hands still being bandaged and the fact that I have a fast-reflects, it only landed in air.
Thus, made her try even harder to punch me "Come here, you...!"
"Hahaha...!" she really is cute
"Kono suiri otaku no Bakaaa!" I snorted
"Your fault for loving this idiot mystery-geek!" and shot her my infamous grin
"Wh, Who's fault do you think it is?" she became cuter when she pouted. Ouch, my heart can't take it
"Nah, your fault for being this adorable" she halted her movement at hearing this. My chance!
I grabbed both of her hand that made us plopped back into the bed, somehow I couldn't get rid of this smugness I felt when she acted this way

"Look, I don't mind a kiss or two even as Conan. But... Isn't it better doing it with the real me?" I inched closer to her, knowing that she wouldn't refuses as I look into her beet red face "Should I prove it, then?" she blushed at the prospect of me doing it. It kinda turn some switch in me. Nah, not my fault. I just reacted to her; she is the one that stimulated me. Right?

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