Magnifying Glass

180 9 5

- Saturday, 11.55 A.M. Kudou Residence, Living Room -

"Kazuha-san?" I called the ponytail girl as I closed the door behind me, while counting down
"Ye... yes?" came her nervous answer
"I am sorry to tell you this but, seems like Hattori forgot to bring his wallet that he left at Hakase's. He asked to be picked up at police station now"

Her daydreaming state-like face suddenly turned into that of a really pissed mother hen when she heard what I said, before finally sighed and muttered something that sounds like 'That ahou...' so I decided to tell her further "Actually, I'm the one whom he asked to pick him up. But I have something I should take care of here, so if you don't mind..." I glanced to Mouri-san's direction whilst saying that, so she could take the hint.

"Ah, it's fine. I'll be going" seemed like she took it good
"His wallet is at Agasa Hakase's house, right? Then I'll fetch it first before I..."
"You don't need to" I cut her before she could finish her words "Tantei-ku... I mean, Conan will be here delivering the wallet"

As I finished saying that, the door suddenly opened into a loud thud, showing that boyish-girl dragging Tantei-kun behind with much force. Seeing her determined face directed at me, I know it's starting.

Show time...!

"What's wrong, Sera-san?" as I put up an innocent front plus a bit bewildered expression, I asked her "Something the matter?" she looked like ready to fire up at me, but tantei-kun cut her with his usual cheery high-pitched voice of innocence
"I see! So that's how it is!" that successfully take her attention away from me "You really are a great detective, Sera-neechan. Even without me saying it, you knew I was here to deliver Heiji-niichan's wallet, don't you?" that beam on his eyes, I couldn't believe he was the same person as the one I saw sitting here yesterday with that look on his face.

Maybe I'm not the only good actor here?

"Huh?" as she was processing the information, Tantei-kun managed to slip out of her grasp then strode to Kazuha-san's to give the wallet
"Heiji-niichan said he'll be glad if you are the one who will bring his wallet. Although he told me not to say this to you" hee... so he does understand how to move people using that trick, huh?
"That ahou" she grabbed it with a blush and said "Can't be helped then. I'll be sending it to him" before disappeared behind the door in a hurry, and with a blush up until her ears.

Now, all that's left just us. I mean, me as Kudou Shinichi versus the Sera girl. While the real Kudou Shinichi was making himself comfortable sitting near his girlfriend in the couch. Damn. I'm supposed to clean it for you while you're flirting with your girlfriend? That said, you didn't need to give me That Look, as it only pissed me off more than necessary.

You annoying little bas... "Who are you?" she can't just cut off my musings, can she?
I sighed "As I recall, we already made an introduction to each other a few minutes ago, didn't we?"

As if not listening to what I said at all, she stubbornly kept her suspicions "Who are you really are? Why are you doing this?" she shifted her firm gaze towards me to Mouri-san's at a moment before continued her speech "Do you really wanted me to speak here? Right in front of her?" correction: she looked grimly at Tantei-kun now. Hah! Take that!

But he looked back at her with this lost-chick's eyes, and making it clearer by lifting one of his eyebrow up and tilting his head juuuuuust a bit making it looks so right: he doesn't follow what she's speaking about. He really is the son of former talented actress, Fujimine Yukiko, isn't he? Add his Dad's blood and intelligence into his DNA, boom!

"Go ahead" is what I could only say, regretting it afterwards because her attention was back into me again. Well, I like being in the spotlight. But not in this kind of situation where I can't just play and tricked people with my magic tricks. No fun at all!

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