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- Sunday, 07.10 A.M. Alor Island Airport, Arrival Gates -

I've never feel so refreshed despite being in a 10-hours flight from Japan.

We finally arrived at our destination: Alor Island, one of many islands located in Indonesia.

Surely, we have to trailed down the dirt road with no paving whatsoever to reach one from many beautiful beaches here, but it was so worth it as we inhaled a very refreshing air, greenery everywhere we see, a cool weather surrounded with warm sunlight, and I could hear the sounds of waves hitting the shores not too long from our position, along with the smell of sand and ocean water

"The beach must have been near somewhere" I stated unconsciously to our guide that currently driving behind the wheel of an old cobalt-blue jeep we are currently sitting in

"You were right. You can walk down a path to the beach near your stay" his Japanese wasn't so good but still understandable, while his English was rather fluent. So I prefer to speak with him in English for a better conversational method

"Is that so?"

He smiled and continue "Yes. It will only take you 10 to 15 minutes by foot. And the path is quite easy, you wouldn't become lost as it only has one pathway to the beach. Locals frequently go there to fetch fish, seashells, swimming, or just stay for the sunrise or sunset"

"I see. I'd like to go there"

"And if you want, I could tell you some romantic spot that perfect for a date. Locals rarely go there so you could enjoy yourself with your girlfriend without interruption" he added that to me while winking, making me unwantedly blush.

Thank God I prefer to sat in the front seat, so Ran and the other wouldn't notice my facial expression from the back seat. I don't know if they could hear what we've been saying though. So I deliberately changed the topic before it become too awkward "By the way, how long have you been staying here?"

"Staying...?" he blinked in confusion

"Yes. I know you weren't a native. I guess you have been staying here for more than 5 years?"

A pause before he asked "How did you...?"

"Seeing your interaction with them, apparently they didn't consider you as an outsider. Your knowledge of the people and places was beyond natives themselves, added your perfect dialect. But you still have a slight difference to them: body measures, skin and eye color, and habitual moves. Besides, you address them as 'the locals' not 'we'. It said a lot"

"Whoaa... I'm impressed. I thought foreigner wouldn't be able to differentiate us, having the same ancestors of Melanesians and all..."

"It was just me having this kind of observational habit. That's all"

He nodded for a moment before he stared at me for quite a long time (I wanted to shout 'please pay more attention to the rocky roads in front of us rather than staring at me intently?') his eyes sparkled making him looks like a child that had a new toy in hand "Interesting" he added "It's the first time for me to meet with your kind, too"

"Excuse me?" my kind?

"Yes. A trustworthy detective and his friends"


Don't tell me he was able to recognized who I really am? Despite me wearing a light disguise?

"Oh, you don't have to worry. I'm a no detective. It was just me having this kind of strong insight for knowing people's true intentions. You could also call that a gut" he brushed it off as if it was nothing of the like; the fact that he looked like he could read my mind is.

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