Double Mask, Double Agent

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A/N: Please beware of harsh language, explicit depiction of crime scene (gunshots, blood, etc) and some uncomfortable incident in the (upcoming) story.
Happy reading ~

Every moves, every deduction, every plans. It described everything about him.

One words that described all the plans he had done in order to pursuit victory.
One words that described his feeling towards the person he cares for deeply, and those he hates deeply.

He was made to do what he should.
He was made to be with who he always wants it to be. Even if he is not, still he is the one that others considered as "Perfect"

- Friday, 01.20 P.M. Bank of Tokyo, Basement -

A sound of motorcycle's tires screeching loudly in the basement, making a crescent shaped white line on top of cold cement flooring. Then the biker positioned it on the center of the narrow road, blocking all the car that would likely pass it to reach exit gate. He was wearing a long black coat with black turtleneck inside. Removing the helmet, his face could be seen clearly, as someone who currently works for FBI, while his other ex-coworker used to call him by a codename of "Rye"

Not too far from him, came a blonde short-haired woman wearing shocking pink coat that match with her lipstick's color. She seemed to be in a rush she nearly bumped into a man that came out from a black SUV, covering his face with a black helmet and was wearing a full body press pants and black leather jacket, he hurriedly strode up to the emergency stairs that will led his way to the bomb scene inside Bank of Tokyo's main lobby.

Of course, said man in helmet's oddly behavior wouldn't pass the scrutinizing gaze of him. With a swift movement, he took out a hand gun from his jacket's inner pocket that connected to a silencer, while aiming the man's leg.
A 35 mm bullet came smoothly from his Barretta, slicing up the air until it landed on the man's left leg, causing him to groaned and fell to the other side of the stair.

He then walked towards the now limp man, with a hand-cuffs ready in his arm while gesturing the blonde woman to look out for the SUV's key inside that man's jacket.
"Bingo" he said when he got a radio transmitter, a revolver, and a cellphone from the helmet's man body search.

"We gotta move him to our car first, and proceed the next step. I got everything ready in my car. We don't have enough time to interrogate him now" said the blonde woman to her partner.
"Let's do it all together then" he said and drag the now hand-cuffed man to a silver jaguar that awaited them in the back of the basement building.

- Friday, 1.20 P.M. Bank of Tokyo, Main Lobby -

"Hurry up! Don't try to do anything funny anymore, you hear me?" one of a bank robber yelled to a dark-skinned teenager, who's struggling just to be able to get up.

"Can't you see that he's wounded?" bark a teenage girl that's crouching down beside him.
"Just drag him. If not, I will worsened his wounds" he pointed his riffle towards the teen's forehead
"Cut it out, Zuha. I'm fine" he said to calmed the girl down
"But, Heiji!" she wanted to complain, but soon he got cut by him saying "No buts. Just lend me a hand" he insisted, scared that those robbers would harm her more than they already did to him.

Soon, they joined the rest of the people –another hostage, to be exact- in the circle near the big reception desk. All hands tied up by a rope in the back of their body, that forcing them to squat, sit, or just lie down in the cold ceramic floor.

There were few people that's been injured, whether just a minor injury like a scratch or got cut by a sharp object, or those who were injured badly. For example, the elder man wearing a suit that seems to have a severe leg injury, seeing by how many bloods seeping from his torn leg. Or a woman lying down in the floor, with blood all over her body which came from her head and neck. Heiji himself not too certain whether she is still breathing or it has stopped completely. Not too far, he could see a lower part of men's body wearing a light blue jean, while his other body part was covered in blood and can hardly be seen since its been covered by a fallen giant glass lamp. And one certain men that wears uniform that seems like a security's, been sat up like a broken puppet over a large white pillar in his back, which had a splattered blood stain a few inch up from his position. He certainly died because of a gunshot to his forehead.

'Damn! Those people! They didn't hesitate to kill' he cursed while lowering his gaze to a bunch of people, tied down together, presumably about 30 people at least.

'How can I set them free?' he thought hard, knowing that police of special bombing units and a SWAT team would likely already gathered outside, by the noise and siren coming from patrol cars soaring around the now blocked building.

One of the robber was talking to a handy-talkie, instructing his comrades to begin the mission of screwing out the security system of the bank's save room. They got no free time since the police force already gathered, trying to get to communicate with them via loud speaker.

There seemed to be a problem occurring on the other side of the hand-talkie. He can barely hear the conversation between who seemed to be the leader (as he was busy instructing every of his comrades, and they obligingly do it while giving him report about the whole situation) with the one over the hand-talkie.

"What do you mean by you can't?!" the leader yelled in a clearly irritated voice by his half-assed explanation
"I don't know! I cracked into the system. It should be under my control by now. But something's strange. It refuses my command" he stuttered
"You are the one who confident enough to be able to crack into their security system. And why won't you do as you said you will?" he asked him in bewilderment
"They didn't change the system, I cracked it. I bet they added another wall" he said in panic
"Then use your brain and get over it already! We hire you to do just that!" he exploded now
"I'm trying, you know! Just give me more time"
"You better hurry! Time is what we don't have right now!" he ended the conversation, cursing aloud

'Heh! Serves you right!' Heiji snorted

Kazuha led him to sit down on the right side while she positioned herself by his left, her arms still clinging tightly on to his. He would be glad –and embarrassed- if they weren't in such situation, though.

'Better get to think of something, a plan; Than to think how close they are to each other right now' He sighed in frustration.

Just then, he caught a glimpse of a men in his right, wearing eye-catching clothes. Guessed he is just the same age as him –probably older- seeing how calm and composed his attitude in this situation. But unlike Heiji, he has a normal white-skin, even a bit paler than any other person he'd met. His wavy light-brown hair being cut in a way that prevent others to look clearly into his hazel eyes. The end of his hair hanging in the back of his neck, covering both his ears in a wavy curl. It looked like a perfect style to hide his square jaw.

One thing that poked Heiji's interest (beside his orange-color clothes) was that glasses of him. He was sure he had seen the same style of that glasses somewhere. And other things that added up to caught his attention was the way he talked when he finally opened up his mouth to make a conversation with him "You okay?" a short sentence, but could make Heiji fond of him in an instant
"Yeah, just a bit scratches. And perhaps a bruise will show itself later" he replied with irks
"Good, then" he looked relieved somehow. But why? He is just a stranger to him, no?
"Talk about yourself. There's blood on the tip of your mouth, you know?" he informed him
"Oh, this. I screwed up somehow" he glanced to one of the robber that hold a riffle in his hand, the tallest between them all, with the creepiest green mask with a "Tsk"
"Heh. Take me to your boat, then" he smirked
"You'll be a big help" his eyes glinted while his smirks changed to a broad smile
"Huh?" said Heiji in puzzled tone.

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