Midnight Baron (1)

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'Professor and Haibara had done such a good work. Plus, with Takaaki Yuuya's help, we get to proceed the program faster than expected' chanted Kudou Shinichi as Mamoru, the non-spectacled seven years old boy with straight, brown-hair that was facing a big screen fueled with programming code, making his finger dance with the keyboard on a fast note without looking at his back even once.

He do not need to look at his back to know that Vermouth was there for about three minutes now, silently observing her little charge in action.

She knew that he had felt her presence "Are you that desperate to be killed by me, cool guy?" So she didn't bother with any nonsense chit-chat

"......" he did hear her, but he decided to let her expanded their topic

"I did tell you that once you were done with your task, I'd slash your neck in front of your mom's eyes, didn't I?" She made her move smoothly like a snake, slithering behind him before she grabbed his neck and strangled him with only her left hand

"I cannot afford to let you do that, unfortunately" he calmly answered then stopped his busy fingers to face her by turning the chair "Why are you so set to kill Vinsanto, anyway?"

She had never truly intended to strangle him before, but his curiosity made her want to "Need not to know" she gave him a cold stares, but it didn't feel as cold before. He is her soft spot, indeed. Added Angel together with him, then she thought she would pleasantly kill whoever's head just to protect both of them. Oh, damn.

"I need to act fast since unlike you, I'm not that good with disguise" he pointed his thumb to the screen "this program, Midnight Baron, is what they need. The longer it took for me to complete this, the greater risks I would be in"

"Oh? So you intended to get out?" She skimmed the screen halfway but instantly lost her interest "I cannot afford to let you do that, unfortunately" she snickered while throwing his words back at him

Rather than scared, he chuckled and gave her his cunning smile "Were you that lonely?"

"Oh, yes I am. It was so much fun with you around, cool guy" She sneered, rummaging her clutch to take a cigarette "but Yukiko will kill me if she knew I was kidnapping her only son in my house" then lit it just to puff the smoke in front of his face

He grunted and shoved the ashtray on her "Relax, at least I will make sure she wouldn't hurt your face"

She lifted her eyebrows, looking at the ashtray that was just a millimeter away from her hand "I will really be going to kill you if you tried to get away from here, Shinichi-kun" her tone was going serious.

She looked firmly into his eyes to search something, some answers, and found it when he stared back at her with utterly confident hint, his stare was as firm and thus, she tucked her lips in a resignation, thinking 'that's silver bullet-kun for you'

"Then... all you need to do is just shoot me in the head" he smiled when she finally sighed to accept the ashtray

"That will do" she was smiling when she put her cigarette down, "don't blame me for a couple of shots though. I will have to make it real bloody" she was making her way to the door when she heard him saying

"Thanks, Chris-basan (aunt Chris)"

"Call me Neechan (sister)"

"Yes, yes. Chris-baasan (grandma Chris)"

She threw the ashtray on his direction before shutting the door.

He chuckled then grabbed the ashtray that were laying underneath his desk with his right hand, 'guess I would not be this lucky if it weren't her' as he stared blankly into the screen, everything that had happened at Alor island came back like a piece of photographs on his mind.

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