Girls Talk (2)

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- Saturday, 11.05 A.M. Kudou Residence, Dining Room -

"Whatever it is you are thinking now, it didn't go that far, Sonoko!" geez, how many times do I have to repeat that to her?

"You don't expect me to believe that, do you?" she loomed her face in front of mine, trying to collect whatever it is that I was hiding from her. Well, I told them about this morning, minus the camera thing, of course.

Perhaps that was what intrigued her "You didn't tell us everything" as she said that, Kazuha-chan chirped
"Of course! Ran-chan haven't told us about the night when Kudou-kun nursed her... Oh" gasping, she shut her mouth immediately.

Oh, great...

"Nursed? Do you by any chance hurt yourself? Speaking about it, you haven't use your right arm much" there comes Sera-chan's comment, which triggered Sonoko's
"That's right! What happened to the bruise over here too? It wasn't from your karate practise" she traced the patch on my cheek, that made me winced.

"Oh, this was nothing. You see, when we hang out with Hattori-kun yesterday, we happen to bump with some robbers in the bank. It turns out to be a bit of a serious situation we're in" I tried to explain as simple as I can, leaving out the detailed information when Sera-chan said
"Don't tell me you were in the bank with the robbers who blew up the building?"

"Yes, the three of us were there. Well actually, only Kazuha-chan and Hattori-kun were inside the bank when the first bomb had blown. I was out of their radar but I couldn't go out as I were trapped inside the building. I made an attempt to sneak out, but one of them caught me. That was when I got this bruises" Sonoko gasped and hugged me when I continued "I was out for a moment. When I finally woke up, Hattori-kun had already evacuate all of the hostages. So Kazuha-chan and I follow him to the back door, and we managed to get home with Subaru-san's help" I was planning to tell them we get out from the front door, but somehow I know Sera-chan will dig up about this case. And if she managed to know that we weren't inside one of the hostages as I said we were, she will get more curious. So I need to explain what had happened truthfully, but careful enough not to let delicate information slipped.

"Why did you get to the backdoor instead of mixing with other hostages in evacuation point?" as I thought, it got to Sera-chan's curiosity.

"We intended to, but as Hattori-kun goes missing, we couldn't help but to look after him first. That's when we met Subaru-san. Apparently, he was also there but unlike me, he successfully sneaked out and called for a help. So we just followed his instruction to sneak out from the back door with him" Sera-chan only nodded while listening to my explanation when Sonoko cut in
"Don't tell me the one who saved you from the backdoor happened to be your husband?" her giggling somehow annoyed me
"That's right. Shinichi happened to be near the backdoor with his mother. So they brought me, Kazuha-chan, and Subaru-san on her car, while Hattori-kun stayed to inform the police" I was going to continue when Sonoko cut in again
"Hee... So you finally admitted Shinichi-kun IS your husband, huh?" I gaped for a moment, but before I could make any confirmation about it, Sonoko cut in again "Let's skip the boring one. Just tell us already what had happened between you and Shinichi-kun afterwards?"

"Yes! Yes! I wanted to know what had happened after I left the room?" Kazuha-chan chirped, I could saw the relieved face of hers when the story about the robbery ended "You know? I was there when Kudou-kun knocked and entered his room. Oh, Sonoko-chan! If only you saw that face of him when he looked at Ran-chan!"

"What? What kind of face did he make?" Sonoko asked curiously.
"It's kinda hard to describe; but that soft gaze, that warm smile, it's so full of love! It was as if he is stating his love for Ran-chan only by looking at her! Gosh, it melted my heart too ~" was that a blush on Kazuha-chan's face am I seeing now?

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