The Real Boss

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- Tuesday, 9:30 P. M. Abeno Haruka's Observatory Decks, Osaka, Japan -

Unlike the inner elevator that The Boss were waiting for, the main elevator that Shinichi and Vinsanto were getting at was quicker. It needed only 5 minutes to reach up to the tallest floor. It hasn't stopped on each floor so it was far more efficient for them to catch up with Anokata.

Surely, the other member has already informed him about what was going on below, and they knew Vinsanto's direction was up. So it was unlikely that they would let her has her way without the direct execution.

The minutes the door was opened, Gin was waiting for them with his gun ready to shoot. But he get a bit distracted as he saw no one was inside the lift. He stepped inside but then she managed to knocked him with her kick from above the lift's ceiling.

She intended to get outside but he grabbed her hair and pulled it to his gun, ready to shot her brains scattered. Right that minutes, a sounds of broken glass was heard and a sniper's bullet get through Gin's right arm before it landed on one of the white pillar.

He unwillingly let go of his prey, crunching his body into his knees. Vinsanto was making his bewildered moment to let go and seek for her way out. She shot him a few bullets while shouting at the crowds to get out of her way. But he didn't waste his time. With a clenched jaw he hold his bleeding arm then moved along track-suiting his prey, his pistol ready to shoot again without minding the innocents who would have been shot by it.

While Gin was busy handling Vinsanto, Shinichi snuck around from the ceiling and speed his way out to the inner elevator. In the corner of his eyes, he saw pink smokes bursted, making the fire alarm switched on with blaring sounds.

"Good job, Kid" Shinichi snickered, leaving the chaotic glassed floors filled with pink smokes along with the mass of people scattering about everywhere. Hopefully, it will hold Gin's movement so that Vinsanto would be able to lure him to the rooftop and Shinichi could snatched time to follow Anokata's track.

When he stepped in front of the inner lift, he smiled at the sight of a slouched old-man with his bodyguard-like attendant that was waiting peacefully for the elevator to come. No one other than them was sighted, that made him wonder about the bodyguard's ability to guard the boss alone.

'Finally!' Shinichi thought, not able to tuned down his excitement.

"What are you doing here, Boss?" He innocently raised his voice, then walked slowly to lesser the distance between them, eyes locked into both men standing in front of him

"Your employees were busy over there" he cocked his head to the left, directing where Gin was being commanded to take care of the traitor.

The first to look at him was the attendant. From his angles, Shinichi could clearly saw his dark eyes scanning his entire body as if he was assessing the little boy. His stares pierced through him. The minutes he landed his eyes on Shinichi, he felt a pressure that could lifted and twirled his stomach. It was dark and heavy, the dark pressure felt as if it could eat him alive or crushed him right away. Thus, his heart rate go up as he felt he was being stripped out, making his true intentions as clear as purified water.

Then Shinichi saw him smiling, from the way of his chin's movement and how his eyes bent down, even with the mask on, he was sure the attendant was feeling elated by Shinichi's appearance. Or rather, something within him woke his interest up. It sent shivers down his spine.

Despite the clenching fears, he tried to control his triggering heart with as many oxygen and bravery he could mustered

"I had finished my task, that was why I want my reward" Shinichi spoke. He was trying to fish their reactions.

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