(Not) Fancy Meeting You

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A/n: spoiler of file 2000+ from the original DC Manga about The Boss!

- Tuesday, 8:40 P. M. Abeno Haruka's 33rd floor, Osaka, Japan -

The cctvs showed the main entrance of the building along with all the view from the elevator's door angles, located on each floor level plus the observatory's decks

"The only floor that didn't had the cctvs were helipad and janitorial" he murmured then busy typing some program to locate Sake's existence by face recognition system.

Sake's face soon being showed in one of the screen, seemed like he was waiting for the inner elevator.

He looked around via cctvs again, wanting to make sure about each of the members positions and their current situation.

The main lobby was filled with people busting around. Some were queuing for the observation decks or for the rooftop views. They are mainly tourists or visitors that were curious about the new animated program that was etched all along the glassed wall of Harukasu's observatory decks.

Some of them were chilling out in the cafe belowdecks or they were brave enough to try the skyline. Whatever they did, Shinichi bet no one had ever thought that they currently are hanging around the private property of The Boss, Moriarty within Black organization.

Who thought that The Boss himself will be touching down onto his newly acquired building coincidentally right when Shinichi snuck his nose there? It  was like he wanted Shinichi to know him and be closer to him. Shinichi bet he will take the invitation even though he had to be very careful if he didn't want to end his life. It was as risky as it sounded, but he will never let this chance slip away.

There were only one back door of this building, but it was used for logistics. The main elevator placed in the outer side of the building was facing west, stretched from 2 level below the helipad until lobby, which ranged all the 66 floors. But the inner elevator were being placed in the middle of this building, stretched from 2 level below helipad until the main IT research floor, the 33rd floor, which had Mamoru's work chamber in it.

'Most likely he will come from above, not below' he thought then typed a few instructions on the keyboard. It was useless to use face recognition system as there were no records whatsoever about Anokata. Not even his physical appearance nor his identity and any other information was there 'clean freak' he sweared as he failed to locate the data.

'It will be a big surprise for Vinsanto though, meeting his ex-employer at a time like this' he remarked after he finished informing Kaitou Kid and FBIs about The Boss plan of coming.

No change of plan, but it will have to be improvised accordingly 'I need to gather more informations about Anokata before Vinsanto pick me u...ooops'

Right on cue, on one of the cctv, he saw her broking down the glass wall from outside of the building after she shot the glass a couple of times. She deliberately waved her body with the swing of the rope to get the push she needed before she landed on a scattering glasses and soon jumped out of it while knocking few people she met halfway 'oh wow, what a way to attract their attention towards her. This is definitely Kid's scheme. Lucky she did not wear a white cap with glowing white tuxedo on her'

She opened some doors on her way, deliberately showing as if she hadn't seen the blue print of this building and searched blindly for her son. The janitor room that was located right beside the main elevator was her actual target. She threw something inside before shut it down again as if she had entered the wrong room.

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