Face Behind the Mask

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It's not like he liked being a magician or putting a show. Instead, lately he busied himself trying to catch a certain thief that wears a white cap, looming over Tokyo's night sky which often called himself a magician. Nah.

And unlike his mother, he doesn't think he has what his mom calls as an 'Actor's soul' within himself.

But he has to pull the strings, so that the show will go with the scenario he has made.

'There's nothing wrong with me being the main role in my own scenario, right?'

- Friday, 03.15 P.M. Bank of Tokyo, Main Hall -

"Come on, Zuha. We better hurry!" he said to the girl beside him after untying her rope

"I'll check Ran-chan first. You do what you have to do" she immediately run to the long-haired girl before he can even talked back

"Geez! At least let me tell you to take care of yourself, Ahou" he murmured then begin to search for something that can cut the rope, that will make his job faster and efficient. He's found a tiny shard that looked sharp enough and begin tearing his shirt to wrap the glass shard. All the woman, children, and the injured person has been moved to the front gate. What's left in the big aula is a bunch of healthy man. Well, a terrified but healthy man. He approached and gave instruction to them so that they could help him freed the other before taking off to evacuation point.

What a brilliant move to make all of the robber busy with the save room. That made no one left to look out for the hostages. Oh, except this one.

"You! How come...?" he looked at him in a shock

"There is this move on judo that called a pinning. As the name goes, it supposed to pin someone and limit their moves. But it also can become a practical way to release yourself using this method of body elasticity. Especially when we use our body mass to stretched out the tie from the beginning" he explained while trying to cut another rope with the shard glass, without paying attention to his already bleeding palm

The now tied-up robber observed Heiji's activity for a while before he tried to speak to him again. This time, he used a smooth and alluring tone to catch his attention "Look, buddy. I'm sorry for hitting you earlier. I was just following the commands. I didn't mean to actually harm anyone"

"Nice try" he nodded his head before continuing "You know; I actually don't plan to kill you too"

This statement made his eyes glitter with hope, while his mouth twitch in victorious smirk "I know that you're a good guy"

"I am" Heiji had done releasing the last person. Then he instructed them to move to the evacuation point where the police will help freed them in a minutes or so. Kudou has been giving him information about what has also been happening outside the bank. He still can't believe that all of the things was directing to what Kudou had surmise.

"Then, I believe you'll release me. I promise, I won't hurt you or anyone else ever again" he plead

"Unfortunately, that I can not do" Heiji looked at him with sympathetic eyes "Afraid I'm not the one whom you have to beg for forgiveness to"

- Friday, 03.15 P.M. Bank of Tokyo, Control Room -

"It's just as he said" Takaaki Yuuya observing the monitor in an awe. He had commanded the program exactly as what the Janitor... erm, he mean Subaru-san? instructed him to. And what's with this new program that has been running? He realized that there were no additional walls or virus that has been injected to the main computer of this Bank's system. The new program overwrite the original system all over, just like that. No wonder he can't deciphered it before. Because no matter what, this is totally different from the original system. Alike but not the same. Subaru-san is the only one that can operate and makes a command to this system, because he has the key to it. He suddenly remembered what Subaru-san has said when he asked him what made him thinks he can decipher the code in this system "Easy. Because I'm the one who made this. Out from seven"

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