Silver Bullet

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No one doubts him, for what he is.
A silver bullet that pierces through the enemies' heart in one shot.
It only took him one shot, to end the game.
But what lies behind those one shot, that is what no one knows for sure.

- Friday, 02.00 P.M. Bank of Tokyo, Main Lobby -

Heiji's jaw left opened all the time while he listened to Shinichi's quite whispers. Shinichi would stop in the middle of his explanation just to check the situation, and act as if nothing has been occurring at all when he spotted one of the robber took a curious glances at them. He made sure that no one other than his friends could hear what he was talking, considering it was a top secret information he would be giving them, and the fact that it would ruin his plan once the robbers find out.

"Don't just give me that look. Say something, will ya, Hattori?" he whispered to him, could no longer wait as he realized something is going on in the control room 'She is on it. Be careful, Ran!' he unconsciously gulped when he looked at the shifting scene on his glasses

"I... Well, I just... Are you really...?" he stuttered, his eyes getting bigger as he digests the information Shinichi had told him earlier

"Yes, I am. And yes, I will" he answered Heiji's uncompleted question with determination.

He looked at the robbers, there seemed to be a movement over the things that is happening inside his left-glasses. Then the riffle-holding robber run to the other side of the hall.

'Shit! That barbarian bastard of all people!' Shinichi gritted his teeth when he felt the uncomfortable twist inside his stomach 'Ran...' he murmured her name in worried

"There's no time, Hattori. I'll be leaving that matters to you, okay?" he continued without hearing his answer to the girl beside Heiji

"And Kazuha-san, I am sorry I had to drag you into this, but please watch his back as he is doing this" he gave her a nod "Erm... O, okay. I will" she said quiet in a shock, haven't thought he will be counting on her, too

"Good. Now, listen carefully" he took a deep breath, and made a countdown, trying to makes his fast-beating heart to calm a bit while he whispered another thing to those twos.

- Friday, 02.20 P.M. Beika City Street -

A man wearing a black coat and a black hat walked behind the crowded line of police car, his glimmering silver, long hair seemed to contradict everything he wears: black. As he tilted his head scrutinizing a building in search for something -or rather, someone- only to no avail, he gritted his teeth. He then stopped right in front of a black Porsche 356 A. He slammed the door open and seated himself in the front, before starting to lit up his cigarette.

"I'm getting enough of her and her secrets" he puffed the smokes out of his mouth, made it circling inside the car

"What should we do, Aniki?" said another man wearing same black clothes and black glasses to the other person he acknowledges as his own brother

"Let her be. She is the one who started this. She has to clean up herself" he said with a cold eyes piercing through the broken bricks of the building

"But, Anokata said..." the rectangular-jaw man stuttered, trying to convince his brother to do otherwise

"I know her. She WILL NOT fail her mission" he put his cigarette in the already filled up ashtray, his finger twitching by what he had said in agony

"Then we just have to watch her" the other nodded to him before starting the engine

"Che... She thinks she can do whatever she likes" the smiles on his face begin to twist like what seems like an evil deed that is playing on his mind, screaming to rise into action.

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