Busted Magician (behind the scene)

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- Saturday, 11.12 A.M. Kudou Residence -

I don't know whether I should call him brave or reckless. After that, I agreed to cooperate with him on one condition: he would never dig up about my personal information unless I said otherwise. Well, deep inside I know he wouldn't even if I didn't mention my conditions. He wasn't that kind of people who will stoop that low. Besides, his sense of justice wouldn't allow himself for stabbing my back, the one whom he asked for an aide for. Yes, I know him that much. And I believe in his sincerity regardless of what he is. I could even say, he is the only detectives that's worth my trust; he's like my long-lost brother –including our clash and rivalry- that will still help me when I'm in needed even if I hadn't asked him to. That just the kind of person Kudou Shinichi is.

He gave the answer right after we reached agreement. He even let me in on his interrogation with her at FBI's base. I listened to all of their conversation alone in that suite room (Unfortunately, that lovely lady of Kudou's has to go for another errand. She did the disguise art wonderfully, but she still lacks of speed on doing so. But after I gave her tips and tricks here and there, she managed to improve her skill faster and better). First thing that comes to mind after hearing their conversation was 'What is with this ridiculous alcoholic beverages codename of theirs?' as if it wasn't enough, I remembered about the first clue of my big-case: Snake. I knew that it was just his alias –or codename, if you put it their way- but I thought it was some kind of an animal-based-alias which reflect their skill; a sly, venomous slick-like person thus named Snake. Or a Scorpion. Then, what would I be to them? A prairie chicken? Nah.

He hasn't given me all the details yet when he went to the interrogation room to face Vinsanto. So, I had to make a rough guess about what they were talking. Well, not like it was a hard-task, given my ability to process and piece the two and two together. However, if what he wants me to do next is that thing, then he would have known I need more information than just this. A detailed version of everything he knows. But that will have to wait. I believe I have to put my focus into the task at hands: to survive the battle named facing the curious friends of one girlfriend, and to nonchalantly duck the teasing and probing that comes from gossip-queen. Again, that wasn't a life-threatening task, but I'd prefer not to if I have choice.

I began to think, is this his way of punishing me after I 'unintentionally' witnessed what they had done last night? Suddenly I could imagine him popping up my head while smirking "Evil done to others comes back to the perpetrators"

Detectives. I shouldn't have believed in them.

- Saturday, 11.12 A.M. Kudou Residence -

To be honest, being a detective is the most thing I like in the world. I always want to become one, like a person I look up for the most; Sherlock Holmes. I enjoyed having to pieces the scattered puzzles into a whole truth, observing the anomaly, and finding the evidence of a case. I often forgot everything once I indulge myself in deducting mystery. I even consider catching some criminals as one of my useful exercises –the adrenalin; the reflexes; it's dangerous yet addicting- despite the danger and pressure, I would give my best to solve it. Furthermore, if someone's life was at stake, I would never abandon or walk away from it.

But after tasting the bitter aspect of being a true detective in action, I must reconsider my opinion about the nobility and proud in doing it. In order to maintain the secrecy, I often had to lie -even to the person closest to me- and set a trap to get the suspicions away. Even if by doing so could rip my heart into millions of pieces, make my inside tumbled -consumed by guilt and fear- and led the person I love into danger. I even had to sacrifice one thing for me to be able to reach another. I used my ability to observe, to deduct, and to motion the people exactly as I planned while counter-measure the step of the enemy; making it looks like a pawn I use in a game in order to reach victory: to serve justice and stop them from doing another harm. In the end, I could only cling to what people would say as faith. Hoping that everything will be better after the storm passed. The price for justice seems to be too high sometimes, that makes me wonder am I doing the right thing?

Nevertheless, I'm not backing down. Not now, not ever.

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