Welcome, Silver Bullet-kun!

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"Welcome to the black Organization, Kudou Shinichi" said a pretty golden-colored hair woman to a seven year old kid in front of her and continued "May I know your reason to come here by yourself? or perhaps you're willing to take my offer last time?"

He sighed, but instead of answering her, he asked her back "How about you? What makes you took me under your wings deliberately?"

"Well, as I said, it would be my pleasure to crush my rival's son by my very own hand. Of course, that will be after you, Vinsanto's son, finished his tasks" she leered with a glint in her eyes. The eyes of a predator that was ready to munch down the prey anytime.

"That was just on the surface" but he didn't even blinked his eyes. Instead he lazily turned his attention around the pension, seemed a bit impressed by the extravagant of the interior design. Who would put a Lamborghini inside their living room, anyway? "What is your real motive to protect Mamoru? Or should I say, why did you protect me?"

"You are no fun" she booed him and took a bottle of finely distillate moonshine from her bar "Want some?"

"I'm under age"

"You'll be 18 soon, will you not? So it's fine to take a sip"

"I'm now in the body of an 8 years old kid, mind you?"


He sighed "Just a sip"

He sat in the high chair by pulling his body length then jumped over to the soft cushion on the top "Take it as my gratitude, Chris. I owe you. But it won't be long to pay you back"

"Oh, such a gentlemen you have become, Shin-chan" she said it using his mother's voice and tone, that successfully irked him

"Stop it. The last thing I wanted to be with here is mom" he grumbled and took his glass, pouring his throat with the liquid that warmed his body all over

"Then, who do you want to be with, Shinichi? Me?" She was using Ran's voice now, with her accent and innocent. It pleased Vermouth when he was choking the minute after he heard his girlfriend's voice

"Damn. That's not funny!" He mumbled while trying to reach the tissue over the counter

"How far have you two gone?" She sneered, lifting up her thin eyebrows with real curiosity

"Alor Island, Indonesia" he said while opening the jar of a honey-lemon "it took 10 goddamn hours and several bumpy trails to reach the inn. And don't forget about the boat. I sincerely thought no human would be able to survive on such deserted island" he made a big scoop then plunged it into his now empty glass

She blinked.
And again.

'Usually, he is a smart and quick witted man -I mean boy- but he is surprisingly blockheaded about this kind of thing, huh?'

Thus, it was not her fault to laughed her lung out loud, until her stomach ache and she had to squirmed because she had difficulty to breathe "you... you are really... something, aren't you?" She was amazed by the fact that her silver bullet is as innocent as her angel.

The person in charge was just looking at her unusual cheerfulness with bewildered face, not sure if he had to sulk or laugh it out together with her. He wasn't sure what makes it so fun about him telling her the story behind his makeshift identity as Mamoru. It was full of struggle indeed.

Well, his physical look was -luckily- about the same as Mamoru, beside the color of Mamoru's irises that was brown, and he needed to tamed his cowlicks with a bit too overboard pomade, and a bit tanning on his too pale skin, everything matched. Oh, you don't need to teach him how to behave like a real kid, because he was always doing it when he was Conan.

So, there. His infiltration to the Black Organization using Mamoru's identity was as smooth as a baby's ass. At first, he predicted Vermouth will be his obstacle to gain his access to the inside. But she seemed to surprised him by deliberately willing to be his chaperone, with hatred and vengeful motivational cover-story presented to the other members. She said she was willing to spare his neck as a bait to lure his momma, because her task to end Vinsanto's life was being interrupted by the robbery event.

And now, here he was. Freely roaming around her penthouse and got the access to observe the inside organization's head office as Mamoru, without disturbances from the lower level members.

Somehow, he too predicted this actions of hers. But he didn't want to bet into his luck and he thought to better process with the worst case scenario. But the curiosity was killing him "Seriously, Chris. What makes you do this?"

She smiled at him with a (unusual) warm inside her irises "Secret makes a woman, woman" She winked and tap his head once. These kind gestures of hers made him a bit startled because what he believed about her was wrong.

He cannot ignore the gnawing curiosity inside him though, and that was what made him pout "I am a detective. It will only be a matter of time before I figure it out"

She just chuckled then head back to her room waving good night "Feel free to roam around, I can not keep any secrets from you, anyway, detective"

Sorry for 1 month's hiatus.
Well, I was visiting Aoyama Gosho's hometown at Tottori-prefecture, Japan. It was being remodeled as "Conan Town" and it really lifted my spirit! I really recommend you guys to go there if you're really into Detective Conan. You won't regret even a second spent there.
Now I've done my 'must go' places on earth, it's time to go back with flows of (supposedly) fresh ideas~

Ps: I am sorry cause the next update will be short (approx a thousand words), but I will keep the current Friday-treat, so please look forward to it and thanks for your support, as always

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