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For him,
She is like a light in the dark, shining him a way to come home. To come back to her, a place he would call a "Home".
Her existence is like a double-eyed knife; one side being his greatest strength, and the other side being his greatest weakness.
It's not her fault, because he chooses to be that way for him and her. And he could do nothing to change it, neither he wants to change it.
Sending her in a dangerous mission like this made him restless. He wouldn't be able to bear it should something bad happen to her. Of course he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her -he would give his all to protect her, even his own life- he will always be there for her.
And that's precisely what she will do for him, too.

- Friday, 12.50 P.M. Bank of Tokyo, Control Room -

She only has two choices right now: get to hide somewhere and snuck out when the situation's clear; or make a surprise attack for the upcoming enemy; both have a 50% chance of winning and losing. The data transferring hadn't been complete, that is why she would risk her own safety so that she could complete the task given by him. After all, if she failed this, most likely his other plans will be ruined too, and that is something she wouldn't want to happen.

As she braced herself –she decided to take second option: to attack them first- and wait behind the closed door, suddenly she could hear a loud gunshot from afar, along with the voices from the other side of the door that's been subsided. She looked at her left glasses, the scene was rustling pretty intense, she wondered what was this screen about?

She hasn't been paying attention to the scene on her glasses since she was busy transferring the data. But now, she was aware of what the other glasses-user has been doing, probably it's vice-versa.

'He is making a chance for me to snuck out' a thought appeared on her head, knowing exactly who this other person is, and what he is capable of, from over 10 years' experience of being together with him. She strode back to the main computer, glad that the transferring progress already over. She then double-clicked the data and it start running by itself.

'Done!' she hurriedly plucked the cable out and left the room after checking the situation outside. She hide in the the blind spot across the door, waiting for the situation to be clear before continuing.

'What now?' she mused over her next step.

'Think Ran, think! What will Shinichi do in this kind of situation?' she unconsciously pressed the phone on both of her hands. It hasn't been locked from the previous data transferring, but the screen was showing his mail inbox.

There, she saw her own emails that has been sent to him not too long ago –with picture attached- two row below the newest mail. It's enough to make her smiled and cried altogether.

She took a deep breath, allowing the air to cool down her head, and her fast-beating heart.
'Shinichi will likely inform the police or his reliable partner –looking at the contents of other two mails- about what has been happening and made a precautionary measure with their aides' she then decided to wait there until the robber came out of the control room, and stick the transmitter onto him, like Shinichi had told her to.

She waits in silence while keeping the track of the scene in her left-side glasses, informing her about what he was doing.
'It's true when he said this will make us able to communicate without being suspicious' she chuckled when she saw Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha sat beside Shinichi, a bit wounded but alive and healthy.

Then suddenly an idea popped out into her head. She became furiously blushing when she is about to do it. But her strong will and emotion-filled heart defeat her shyness.
Sliding up his phone, she began typing. She stared at the words in silence, hoping it would reach him, along with her warmth.

 She stared at the words in silence, hoping it would reach him, along with her warmth

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"Daisuki, Shinichi!"

- Friday, 01.30 P.M. Bank of Tokyo, Main Lobby -

 Bank of Tokyo, Main Lobby -

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"GAH...!" he choked himself after he looked at the scene on his left glasses.
He buried his head on his chest, not wanting anyone to be able to see his bright red cheeks and silly smiles lurking on his lips.

'Really... Ran... Now of all the times?' he murmured in unbelievable tone

Doing that, he instead drew attention on himself. An unintended one in an unsuitable time.
Especially from a certain detective that sat beside him. Great "Dude, you okay?" Heiji asked uncertainly "Mmm-hhmm" he murmured making Heiji more confused.
'What do you expect me to answer?' a groan escaped his mouth 'That I've just got a love-confession? At such time and place? Nah, I am not kidding you' he heaved his whole-life's sigh.
'Okay. Calm down, me! Inhale... Exhale... Inhale... Come on, breath...' he made a self-suggestion.
'Geez! Stop beating so fast, damn heart!' he unconsciously swung his head rapidly.
'But oh well, that would be a trouble if it stopped beating at all. I mean, who wouldn't be?' he shrugged his shoulder up
'Geez. This girl is unbelievable. Good thing she isn't able to look at my face now, though' he looked around suspiciously, hoping he would see the girls face popping out of nowhere
'Ugh! I want to run to her this instant' he swung his body forward and backward, restlessly, then stop abruptly
'No, no! Plan... I need to focus to the plan' he straightened his back with determined look
'... What was it again?' tilted his head in confusion
'...' He just blanked. Doesn't matter how hard he tried to focus, his mind is back imagining a certain girl's face.
'Siiiigghhh...' now he looked like a withered plant
'She better prepare herself for the consequences... of making me unable to think straight!'

While Shinichi was busy musing with his self-monologue, Heiji hasn't stopped observing him. He found it funny anytime this brown haired guy's expression change, for the cause he didn't know. 'This guy's really interesting' this is a first time for Heiji to be drawn by someone whom he barely knows. He decided to know him better by asking directly.
"Hey, we haven't really introduced ourselves, have we?" he tried to pull him out of his own world "I am Hattori Heiji, by the way. This girl's Toyama Kazuha, my childhood friend" he said while glancing to the girl beside him. The girl only nodded her head in response.
But he still hasn't recovered from self-muttering that made him answered automatically "Yeah, I know"

He needs 2 seconds to realized what he had said. He wanted to correct himself, but looking at Heiji's eyes, he decided to say the truth to him. After all, this will save him from another half-assed back-up stories, and definitely won't waste another precious time away.


A/N : Next, Shinichi will be in rage! What happened?
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