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- Saturday, 08.45 A.M. Professor Agasa Residence, Tokyo -

"What took you that long, Hattori?"

He greeted me with that sarcastic comment once I stepped my feet in the living room of Professor's house.
Edogawa Conan did.
Not that proud Kudou Shinichi "Being one foot small doesn't decrease your cockiness, I see" he deadpanned me.

What a way to greet your best buddy "After what had happened to me so early in the morning, I bet a warm-water relaxation and a couple glass of caffeinated drinks along with a bite of karee-raisu wouldn't hurt" I strode down to the couch where he sit there, spreading a too big newspaper for him to hold in front of his also too big glasses, which he replied absurdly
"Who cooked the curry rice?" that made me blinks a few moments before answering
"Neechan, of course?"

He didn't make any comment, instead he took out his phone and let himself busy texting someone. I could guess who this someone is, judging from the sweet looks on his face.

After that morning show –I'm sure he just wants to show off his lovey-dovey relationship with Neechan- I don't know why, but seeing him like that pissed me off even more.

Well, I knew how he felt towards her and vice versa, but I didn't think he had it in him. It's more like, he switched into a kind of very different people –kind of people that made the hair in my whole body shiver, that is- when he faced her than when he faced his other acquaintances. Me, for example.

"What?" he glared at me grudgingly; even though I did nothing to piss him off. Oh well, I guess I should just get used to it. It's the only way out.

"You can always have that curry when you're back. No need to grudge me for eating it before you do, Conan-kun" I snatched the newspaper out from his lap with a winner smirk, which he rewarded me with annoyed face.

I just begin to read the first headline when he said "I told her everything. She knew I am Kudou Shinichi" which made me choked my own spit.

Really, could you just give me some kind of a warning before you spit that out like it was nothing?

"And?" regardless, it was a big news.
"She accepted it" I could see a hint of relieve on his face -mixed with a sad smile- before he continued "She said she always had the suspicion. But she didn't confront me because she knew I have a reason not to tell her until now. It was just like you said, Hattori. She was waiting for me to tell her myself, all this time" he lifted his face to look into my eyes
"She knew it was me right from the start. Just like this morning, she could tell just from one look. It was also the same when we were in the Bank. She knew even though I told her nothing..." he snorted while clenching his hands in a tight grip and stared into nothing but the rug.
"I don't have any idea how she did that. I'm like a fool. I was no different with that murderers who lead us far away from truth by placing a deceit trick that seemed impossible to do, a perfect alibi that avoid ourselves to be spotted, a false, artificial hint that impossible to crack. She saw through it all. What Mom said was right. She is the better detective..."

This is the first time I saw that kind of expression on him. It wasn't that a defeated one, nor a pissed off one. Rather, it was a full of understanding and acceptance, and I could sense a hint of proud in it, too.
"See? I told ya!" I nudged his right side with my biggest smile "If even you lost to Neechan, this makes me the third best detective, huh?" I made up a pout that made him chuckled and said
"I will never win against her, you know?"

I deadpanned him "Wait! We're in a tie, so it makes you and I the second" I pointed my finger towards us, which he replied with crisp-bright laughter
"You are best at what you do, the way you are, Hattori. I can't compare you with anyone, not even myself"

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