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- Saturday, 11.22 A.M. FBI Safe House, Minato-ku, Tokyo -

'There is something different about that boy; his pure, crystal-clear eyes, his confidence, his calming presence, and his knowing smiles just looked the same as him' she thought.

Her conversation with that weird kid had brought back another memory to her. Back when she was still as cold a stone and ambitious, when she believed she was a genius with nothing worthy her attention outside herself. She remembered how arrogant she was, knowing the feeling of bearing the utmost power to control everything as she wanted it to be. Well, at least she was just one level below the first person in the organization.

Nothing, and no one would be able to tackle her down from her crown, not even the dearest Vermouth, her nemesis. She wasn't even exaggerating when she said she was the source of their current wealthy position, she was one of the few who made them become such a large -if not massive- crime syndicate who had planted their root over every government in over-powering country. And she was proud to be one of them.

She was a free kind of individualist, not wanting to be tied with anything bothersome in the world.

Despite that, her ego to control everything had been her weapon to really take control over everything –added that she was already a genius, that made her able to know how to- and made it her own little stage.

That's why, when anokata made it clear to her that her mission was to collect as many fund as possible, recruit as many agents as possible, and to infiltrate their agent to as many source as possible, she knew right away that she is able to handle her mission smoothly and swiftly, without any notice from any one that they are recruiting their own doom, and they took her advice without knowing what they're really investing into.

While anokata being their mastermind, she was their manipulator, and Vermouth was just a mere executioner.

However, no matter how ridiculously rich she had become, no matter how much of a doll she could use as her shield and a black-goat in her stage, no matter how much power her one sentence could bring to another human kind, she was still alone. She has no one to depend to, and no one will defend her.

That loneliness was eating her from the inside, bit by bit.

The fact that anokata treasure Vermouth while she was just one of his tool, wasn't helping at all. Despite all of her vehement achievement, she could be replaced once she lost her chance. With only one mistake, her life will be no other than just a tiny little spot that needed to be cleaned. And when that time came, she just knew that Vermouth will be the one who will 'clean' her.

That's what made the clash between her and Vermouth seemed so bloody and full of resentment towards each other.

She was in that pitch-black mental state when she met him.

She had done her task of eliminating the unnecessary profiteer in some tropical island, leaving him dead after robbing whatever he stole from the organization's fund, by setting his ferry into a blast, along with all his man inside.
But then, a typhoon occurred out of no where in the middle of the sea, swallowed her tiny boat into the cortex within minutes. She had thought that was finally her end.

When she opened her eyes, only to be welcomed by that bright and warm smile, as if thanking god that she had made it through her crisis with that relieve plastered all over his face, she had to wondered, what kind of fate that's await her? If he ever learned who she really is, perhaps he will make that same relieved face when she dead.

He was an easy-going person, and contrary to his occupation that surely required a bit of brain to be used, he was like an idiot. He was an idiot not because of his brain capability –no matter how sucks a doctor is, they still require some degree of brain capability to be acknowledged and to be able to open their own clinic, wasn't they? – it was rather because of his naivety, and his optimistic behavior that knows no boundaries that's very contrast to her own, it choked her and made her heart aches.

Every time she looked at him, it was like looking at her bloody reflection that full of sins. Despite of that, it was what attracted her to him. She wanted to know how it felt to be an idiot, to be pure, to be human again...

That was what intrigued her to that feeling; the feeling of wanting to be free from their grasps, to be out of their hellish circle of kill or being killed. But she knew best that it's impossible to do so. She also knew her place wasn't within this man's embrace. It's always kill or being killed for her.

So before they were able reach him and grasp the situation, she planned to end it without involving her man. But when it was time for her to end her life, he took out her gun he had taken from her the first time he found her body, as he smiled he said "I'd rather have you pulled the trigger to my mouth than collecting your scattered body" and casually walked to her whilst putting the gun in her hand, directing it to his heart
"I did my very best to fixed you up, so please don't waste it" he smiled that same, bright smiles as she first saw him, and after that, everything went red...

Without really realizing it, a few drops of crystal water had been fallen to her cheek. She hadn't been able to protect the man she loved, but she will never stop trying to protect what's left from him; their son.

Seeing that boy today, made her realize that there were still hopes left even for her. It was as if he had sent that boy in his stead, to protect their son. She wouldn't want anything than her son's safety, leading a peaceful life far from their grasps 'I wasn't able to protect you, but at least let me protect our son in my own way'

Along with that statement of hers, she stood up from her bed, and looked through the camera with an intense gaze "I am willing to be the bait. Let me do it"

Later, when Rye opened the door to let her join them and do her mission, he asked her "Why?"

She just smiled and closed her eyes and answered him "A bullet needs an ammunition. Even though I'd just be one of that tiny dust, at least I can contribute in the creation of that one, special weapon: Silver Bullet" apparently her answer was all it took for him to also believe in her true motive.

She already gave the exact location of her son to Kudou... no, Conan... -well, that doesn't matter- and he believed that boy... no, that guy... -well, whatever- will make a move immediately. He'll leave that to him. It will be least suspicious if he's the one who do it instead of a bunch of FBI agent.

Between her musings, she also wondered what really made her believe in that boy? That she was willing to be the bait to lure Rum out? That even Curacao was willing to sacrifice her own life and had a changed of heart? What made him so special that even Vermouth found him amusing?

Judging by how the upper line of the organization did not know such a dangerous threat exists, she knew that there should be someone who covered him up. Whoever they were, it has to be in a quite high rank of the organization itself.

Vermouth being one of them.

As always, thank you for staying with my stories. I welcome any ideas & suggestions :)
Happy Friday!

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