Lose Control

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Usually, he is a bright person. A little bit aloof sometimes, but still held intelligence and strong faith in justice. He wouldn't shed a single sweat when facing murderers, terrorist, or even VIP's from another country. He will smooth his way out somehow; of course while his brain works to seek for the best solutions. Never in his life he lost himself because he always knows what he wants, how to get to it, and manage to get the result as good as he planned it to be.

Except in front of her.

Suddenly he froze. His brain starts to not working, his tongue starts to betray his mind, and he will lose his calm composure. He would never win against her. That's for sure. And he knows exactly why.

That is what happening right now.

Really, when facing this certain girl, he'll just stood there like a fool, trying to collect his scattered heart in the floor when they bumped into each other earlier.

All he wants to do now is just hug her tight into his embrace.

To feel her.
To let her feel him.

How much he wants it. How many dreams he saw about this time, when he finally able to do what he really wants to. Not as Edogawa Conan, but as Kudou Shinichi.

Unfortunately, it will have to wait. A little bit more.

Because now, he is not Edogawa Conan nor Kudou Shinichi.

He is just a complete stranger to her. He supposed to be.

Such coincidence, he doesn't even know whether it's a bliss or a torture.

- Friday, 11.30 A.M. Bank of Tokyo, Beika City -

"Say, Heiji. Why are we going here? I'm hungry already, you know" Kazuha pouted

"That's precisely why we are here, ahou. My current cash won't be enough to satisfy your hunger, that is why I had to withdraw some first" he explained nonchalantly

"Serves you right" she smiled cheerfully while he deadpanned her

They step into the said bank still in bickering mode, wasn't aware of some certain guy standing by the wall, was about to hung up his phone, when his eyes followed the bickering couples while they pass each other, in a shock.

Meanwhile, Ran was standing in front of the door, still holding to her phone with blush and smiles mixed together in her face. Then, she flipped her phone down and tried to put it into her hand bag while walking through the automatic sliding glass door, when she bumped into someone unceremoniously, making her flop in her butt.

"Ouch...!" she cried out in pain
"I'm sorry!" the guy apologized while reaching her right arm
"It's okay. I'm at fault, too" she said while trying to stand on her foot again
"I'm really sorry. I wasn't look... ing..." he didn't manage to complete his words, when he stared at the girl's face with disbelieve looks
"I'm fine, really. Thank you" she said while smiling apologetically
"..." he left his jaw hanging, while his hand still on her right arm, completely awestruck
"Erm... Something the matter?" she tilted her head in confusion
He finally snapped it "Huh? No... Nothing" he looked at his own shoes, as if something really interesting got stuck on that


"Well... Could you... let go of my hand?" she said after a long pause
"Huh? Oh... right... I should" he released his grip, hesitant to do so
She bowed once to him, and starting to look around for her friends, when suddenly a loud voice of "BANG" heard all over the place, continued with loud exploding sounds, making the wall behind the big reception desk collapsed.

"Kyaaaa!" she instinctively got down on her knees.

"RAN!" while he instinctively run off to her, and grabbed her arm to the side of the building, taking shelter behind a pillar near the desk.

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