Unexpected Allies

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- Saturday, 06.39 P.M. Kudou Residence, Living Room -

I am in the middle of preparing our dinner after I successfully threatened, I mean persuaded Shinichi to at least let me do something I could beside laying down on the couch all day; unconsciously devouring all the cookies that he had bought for me, while making this pleading puppy eyes at him (the thing that he always does when Conan-kun wants my permission for something) and it worked.

I also had prepared my necessities in a small back-pack for 2 days' trip. What's left is just my passport, but Shinichi had asked Hattori-kun to bring that from my house, saying that we will be having our little trip before going back to school on Monday.

Dad was reluctant to give us permission at first, but after I promised him to take home some souvenirs (and signaling him that he could go for a mahjong while I'm not around) he finally let us.

I intended to focus on my cooking's so it wouldn't get burned, but I can't help but to witness those two's clashing: biting each other neck and trying to punch each other with their claws while making a hissing sound non-stop.

They looked like a comedy duo; if only they put on their costumes: one clad in a white tux with monocle and magician's hat; while the other dressed as Sherlock Holmes along with the magnifying glass and the trademark pipe.

"Why me?"
"If it's you, you could do it"

"I'm flattered. But I don't want to do it"
"It's only if it turned out to be like that"

"Then, don't make me do it"
"Sigh... It's just a precaution"

"I wouldn't do it. Never"
"You have to"

"... I hate you"
"Oh, come on! What are you, a kid?"

"I am. You know my motto: no one gets hurt, right?"
"Yeah, yeah I know"

"Then you better not ruin it!"
"Only if I can help it"

"You little annoying bas...!"
"Geez! Stop making a fuss with my face and voice, would you? You ruined my image!"

"I don't give a damn about your image, you kuso-tantei (damn-detective)!"
"You kuso-gaki (damn-kid)!"

"Hey! Don't point that thing to me!"
"Then lower your card-gun first!"

Enough! I have had it enough!
"Geez! Stop it, you two! Shinichi! You're not a kid anymore, behave!" I was pointing the knife, I mean, my finger to them
"And Kid! You're supposed to be the adult here, hold back!" geez! this combo is making my head hurts.

They finally settled down by my command. Well, I 'unintentionally' glaring at them while carrying a kitchen knife on my right hand, and a fist on my other hand. That's what make them behave like a good boy actually. But seems like they don't have a 'naka ii' (good terms) words in their dictionary and peace never lasts more than 5 minutes.

"You get what you want, so my part today's done, right?"

"Yeah, well done. You going somewhere?"
"What? Miss me already Meitantei~?"

"I just thought I'll put you into sleep forever"
"Oi, oi! I have my own life; you know? I can't be you forever. But well, if you want me around that bad..." snickered

"Don't let anyone see me getting out of my house"
"You are no fun at all"

"The same goes to you"
"Oh yeah? I have never put on an innocent face while doing dirty things behind, though"

"Really? Sure, you're just putting up a brave front while you're chickening inside each time you have to face the so called innocent yet dirty kid, aren't you?"

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