Mamoru 守る[to protect]

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- Sunday, 09.10 A.M. Arifiyanto's Inn, Alor Island -

It was somewhat refreshing to see four teenagers stretching up once we got out of the car after quite a long trip; each of them busy exchanging nonchalant conversation, about how beautiful the island is, how nice the scenery, and how they will spend their time playing around the beach.

Oh, and I think they saved the room's sharing for latter discussion (or no discussion at all, seeing how the two of them steadied their hearts to share the room for each lovers) oh, joy of youth.

I'm a free kindred spirit, so I have absolutely no rejection of savoring the time spent as long as we're being responsible of whatever actions we decided to took. And I trust this teen detective to have his own fair judgment and being wise enough in his green age. He cares for others, he is responsible and dependable, he is smart and sharp enough for him to be able to calculate and deduce everything without being told, and for the most part, she would never put her trust on someone who couldn't win over her heart and critical assessments. To top it off, he was being trusted even by the FBI's to run this mission without their direct supervision, knowing full well that they could depend on him and his actions.

The moment I saw him on the airport, I knew that he is the one Ayano-san told me about. I intended to just become no one –only a humble guide- as I introduce myself to him and his friends, but he didn't take it as an offense, instead he willingly allowed me to lead the way and play the game fairly.

Testing the water at first, then carefully produce his own stance after comparing the data with actual fact. No trespassing nor compelling his intentions, deliberately making room for me to withdraw or come out. That was what a professional negotiator would do, and he had done it so smoothly. It results to him having my full-trust, and I know he appreciate it since I get the feeling that he also knows what kind of a person I truly am.

With this peace of mind, I can entrust Mamoru's protection on him.

"Mamoru, come out. Our guests had arrived. Get here and greet them properly" I called him from the front door.

But I couldn't hear a single response from within the inn. As if on cue, I could hear the girls squeaking

"Kyaaa~ how cute. How old are you? What's your name?" and

"He looks a lot like Conan-kun, doesn't he?" and there, I could spot Mamoru being surround by the teens

"Fer real, this kid looks like the innocent you, Kudou! Hahaha!" and another comment

"He has bigger eyes, though" and his offended voice

"What do you mean by innocent me?"

"I'm sure you'll become as handsome and good-looking as this Onii-chan here" said the long-haired girl, which the other two teens replied with whistles

"Go ask Kudou to make one fer you, Neechan"

"Sure. After you made one for Kazuha-san, Hattori" he successfully silenced him

"Geez! Don't scare the kid, Heiji" the pony-tailed girl elbowed so called Hattori Heiji and dragged him inside the inn, after asking me where the toilet is and I let them in saying they should treat themselves as in their own home.

"Anyway! You are Mamoru, right? My name is Mouri Ran, and this oniichan whom they said looked like you are Kudou Shinichi. While the other two is Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha"

"Hi there, Mamoru. Nice to meet you" Shinichi-kun bended his body over so that he could be in line with Mamoru's height, just like what his girlfriend is doing

"Hi! My name is Mamoru Adhiniyanto and I'm 7 years old" looked like Mamoru took a liking on them, especially those two as he chirped

"I heard from Ari-occhan that you were going to get me to meet my mommy?" uh-huh. He is always that straight forward. No idea who he got that traits from.

His bewildered expression changed into that of the soft one "You want to meet her? Sure, I'll take you to her" this made a beam on his face

"Really, niichan?" he nodded in response and continued

"But in order to do that, you have to do some things first"

"What is that?"

"Your mom lived in a country named Japan, to go there, we need to take the airplane. Can you do it?"

"No problems. Ari-occhan often take me to a long-trip by using airplanes and even boats"

"Good. Second, your Mom speak using Japanese. So, you'd have to learn Japanese. Do you mind?"

"Uhm. I can speak Japanese a little" he sounded not so confident. Well, I understand Japanese but none of the people he met with were a native or fluent (other than his rarely met with mother)

"Great. Then this pretty neechan here will teach you Japanese more, how about that?"

"Really? Then, then, can I read a books that full of Kanji if neechan teach me?" his mood perked up whenever we mentioned books

"Of course you can, Mamoru-kun. I don't know how good of a teacher I am, but I'll do my best teaching you" said Ran-san in a motherly tone

"The last is, you have to wait and be patient before you could live with your mom again. You will eventually meet her after everything's settled" Shinichi-kun said that as he stroked Mamoru's head gently

"Is the bad guys still around? Is it not safe enough for me to meet with my mom now?" uh-huh. Straight ball, as always. I was curious of how he will explain this to Mamoru though

"Unfortunately, yes. For now, but rest assured, we will do our best to catch the bad guys and send them all to prison, so that it will be safe for you and your mom to be together. I promise" he said and I sighed, letting the breath I unintentionally hold all this time

"Why would you do that for me, Niichan?" there. His critical assessment he got from his respected mother

"Well, I'm not doing it only for you, to be honest. I'm doing it for my sake, too. In order for me to be together with this beautiful Neechan, I have to catch the bad guys and end their miserable actions"

"I see... so, it's a promise?"

"Yes. Promise"

"Then, I would cheer on you and neechan, until you guys could make one like me" he beamed innocently at them, thus made them blushed and awkwardly denied whatever stupid idea Hattori-kun had spouted before.

Really, after learning about how they had discovered Mamoru's existence and capability, I couldn't rest a single day without worrying and being paranoid. But somehow after I met with him directly like this, I got the feeling that everything will turn out alright.

Also, I thought that this is the time for us to come out of the shadow. I protected Mamoru using all I've got, but now, I intended to help this guy using all my might. I have no objection to use all my resource, wealth, and everything to back him up.

And I will let him know I'm being serious.

A/n :
Hello besties~
Sorry that I had to announce that this story will be in a hiatus for a month.
I will be traveling starting from this November to look for Momiji, the heart of autumn in Japan~
Hope I could be back with fresh ideas.
Thank you for your patience and support :)
Love from Japan,

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