お帰りOkaeri [welcome home]

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- Tuesday, 9:55 P.M. Abeno Haruka's Helipad, Osaka, Japan -

"Once a traitor, always is" Gin leered menacingly when he locked sight of his targeted prey, the woman was all bleeding and exhausted. She hadn't successfully dodged every bullets Gin had shot. Some of it were nesting all around her body.

Her tattered clothes were proves of Gin's brutal shots and his temper. She mumbled grudgingly that he cannot even let it stay intact as it was her favorite. He could not even spare a woman on punching them simultaneously nor jabbed her head a few times.

She was sure she had a concussion, judging by how her sight became blurred and the increasing pain on her head every time she moved. But it wasn't a right time to mind her head, as Gin was targeting it with his brand new pindad handgun. Rather, it was all she had to mind, or else everything she did will be a vain.

'Come on, kiddo! Longer than this, and I will be a sack of just a lifeless body with no head' she mumbled.

He didn't have any idea how his request would affect her life, did he? How easy does he think it was to commanded her to stall, with Gin lurking around seeking for your head?

"Wait!" She unceremoniously shrieked as she saw him pulling off the safety pin "I know something you would be begging for me to tell you!"

"As if I care" his cold, deep voice broke, it was even colder than the winds of the winter night

"Silver Bullet!" She shouted then smile as she saw Gin's furrowing brows "He is real and alive"

"Hmp! I will kill that FBI bas***d with my own hand" He cocked his arms then begin targeting her again.

Her laughter was something he didn't thought she would be doing "Not that one. Rye was cooperating with him, instead" she grinned before she prepared herself to do the last action while counted until 10 "he will eradicate your existence in just one shot" then deliberately jumped out of the building in the same time as Gin pulled his trigger.

- Tuesday, 10:18 P.M. Abeno Haruka's Helipad, Osaka, Japan -

A small silhouette sneaked into the stairs while checking out the situation from the back of the door after he had successfully climbed out the outer fence of the helipad.

His ragged clothes were tattered with blood, that mainly came from his left arm, making his white lab-coat degrading with red. He had not thrown his lab coat so that it would not be used as a way to find out his true identity. He'd rather carry it with him even after it cannot suit his bigger body.

Yup, he gulped down the antidote minutes before he climbed the fence. All he has to do was counting to get the pill effects on him, while sheltered in the darker side of the area. Kid had left the spare safe suit for him. He could spot a dark glasses and a brown cap underneath, along with the gloves. Plus, he had left an ID card along, still sticking on the safe suit read as 'skyliner instructor' named Umeda Aoi.

The said person was a real worker of this attraction, only that he was probably sleeping soundly somewhere, not even aware that his coworkers (Kid in disguise) had left the sleeping pills into his coffee cup. In order to match the later investigation, Kid (still disguise as his friend) will give solutions to his 'slacking on his shift' friend that he was on duty with him all the time until he heard the shots and get out of the building after it hadn't been so chaotic. He aware that he will give the police a false statement, but it was better than being fired from this high-income job.

Everything had been calculated and prepared accordingly.

That included the time of their 'fallen' strategy. A moment after Vinsanto jumped out of the helipad, he counted until 10 then deliberately pushed his body into the glassed wall. Normally, people who fall will go below, and that was what made Anokata thought he would crashed his tiny body right in the entrance door of the lobby of this building. In his case, instead of falling below, he clicked the elastic belt (that was hanging near the glasses) that made his body fled up the building until he landed on the edge of the outer helipad area.

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