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Sometimes, he is so sweet and loving that make my heart melt into a puddle. A handsome gentleman that would protect me from any danger the world could do to harm me.
But he also can become such a jerk that made me want to kick his genius brain to smack some nerves into him. Especially when he teased me and made me looks like an idiot for noticing his ulterior motives but ended up entering the damn game willingly despite knowing the danger.

Either way, I still love him for what he is.
-Mouri Ran-

Sometimes, I see her as a representative of an angel that descended on earth; her purity, her kindness and her lovely smile was all it took for me to be able to do anything.
But another times, she is just like an evil witches that made me dance to her will, so wrapped up in her finger like that of an idiot slave of love; wanting to be freed but ended up entering the same trap every time she smiled that wicked but endearing one.

Either way, I still love her for what she is.
-Kudou Shinichi-

This Iridescent color of our souls is what makes everything more enticing.

- Saturday, 09.10 P.M. Narita International Airport, Departure Gates -

"Where the hell is he?"

After making me do his legwork all day, and pushed Kazuha on my way to Mouri's apartment to fetch Neechan's passport then took some blows from the sleeping detective, I'll make sure to pay him about that forgotten wallet thing (but when did he took it from me, I wonder?) someday.

As if it wasn't enough, he selfishly let me be alone with 2 witches... ahem, girls, in the airport without even trying to explain why would I be flying to some deserted island rather than going back home to Osaka. Geez, this is what I don't like about him; always have everything planned out but never take the trouble to explain beforehand. Sigh, I guess I should just let myself flow with the wind then.

Sure enough, I spot him walking out of men's toilet near checking point we were standing. He wears white-blue checkered long-sleeve underneath maroon hoody sweater (he didn't bother to tuck the hem of his shirt inside his trouser, making a delinquent yet sexy atmosphere around him when he dressed like that) and blue jeans with matching blue sneakers. He hides his hair within the hood but I could spot a white-framed glasses tucked between his eyes. Unlike the nerd-looking and too-big glasses he usually wears as Conan, this one is a small full-framed glasses that made it looked stylish instead.

I had to admit that he has a good sense of fashion that matched up with his slender yet fitted body. Along with that good-looking face, I wouldn't be surprised if he were being surrounded by woman as soon as he walked out of his hiding spot. Add to the way his brilliance radiating from his eyes, surely enough he caught a lot of attention when he walked past other people (mostly woman) to where we stand in the line. They flocked onto him like he was some kind of a circus attraction, really. One of them even grabbed his backpack in time to prevent him from passing them, just to be able to have a small chit-chat before he glided his way towards us, with a cool manner as if nothing happened.

I'm about to open my mouth and thronged him with complaint when I catch a movement from the edge of my eyes, a long-black hair swaying as the owner ran into him and enveloped him in a hug, making him step back a few moments before that hesitation and bewildered expression replaced with soft smile and warm embrace.

Guessing from their indifferent reaction, they don't even aware of the look the people sent their way. Especially the woman that grabbed Kudou's backpack before, she bites the handkerchief strong enough to make it tear into pieces.

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