Unexpected Allies (behind the scene)

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"I... I've got something to do. So I better..." he didn't even wait for my reply as the room instantly being filled with pink smokes, leaving only Shinichi's clothes scattering above the floor soon after the air starting to clear itself.

"He borrowed your clothes?"

"I lent him some" he calmly picked up his clothes

"Sheesh... next time he disguised as you, notice me first, would you? What if he did something... unthinkable while being you?" I frowned at only the thought

"He wouldn't dare. I made him understand that you are off limits" again, that confident smirk on his face, it made my heart beat every time I see it

"You're just enjoying yourself seeing me get flustered, weren't you?" I pouted

"Nope. It's because I know you'll find out in just a second"

"But still, what if I didn't recognize him disguising? I don't want to even think about what I'd do" it's true, I have never wanted to do any sort of thing with any other men beside Shinichi

"Hee~? What will you do, I wonder?"

"Tha... That's not what I..." oops, did I said it out loud?

"Looks like what we did last night wasn't enough for you?"


"Like I said, I don't mind a kiss or two even when I'm like this, you know?"

"You baka! I wouldn't..." why is the room suddenly feel so hot?

"Why? You even kissed me in front of my mom earlier" that annoying smirk of him is really pissing me off sometimes

"Argh! Don't make me remember it! It's so embarrassing I could die" I don't know what's gotten into me, suddenly being so bold like that. Ugh, what kind of face should I make in front of Shinichi's mom?

"What? You'd do it with Shinichi but not with Conan?" His grin suddenly replaced by a frowned "Wait, don't tell me that you're only attracted to my appearance?" that dramatic look on his face is really something

"What are you saying? Of course not" I huffed while trying to control my blood circulation. In vain

"Then, proof it!" Ugh~ somehow I know that he's just teasing me, but I can't help but to be flustered; and what's with that glint and smexy air surrounding him?

"We can't. What if someone come?" get a grip, me. Think of him as nothing but a sexy cute little puppy

"It's fine. We still have about 20 minutes to ourselves" Since when did he was able to climb up the dining table?

"There are the cameras..." Uhh... Why can't I move my legs?

"I'll erase the footage later"

"Shin...ichi..." he's getting closer... I know I should've dodge, but why can't I turn my face away from him?
"S... Stop..." I'm sure he could hear the thrumming sound of my heart from this point. Oh God, he'll really ki...

"Pffttt...!" huh? What in the world...?

I watched him burst into laughter. He laughed so hard, while curling up his body and clutched his stomach with one of his hand, and made the other hand hit the table continuously.

I can feel the blood circulation that I tried to control earlier flowing up my head in an instant. While I had my heart thrummed in excitement before, it lit with a different kind of excitement now. I have never feel like I want to pummel someone as hard as I want to do to him now. Really, he can become such a jerk sometimes

"Really, Shinichi?" fine, if this is how you wanted it to be, then I'm up with your game.

I'll make you regret this, Shinichi.

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