Girls Talk (1)

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It's 1 past 8 p.m. here~
Are you ready to be thronged by new updates?
Yes! I will gonna update 3 chapters today! Each per 3 hour until it reaches 17:08 West Indonesian Time (5:08 p.m. GMT +7)
Happy Independence Day Indonesia! 🇮🇩

- Saturday, 10.30 A.M. Kudou Residence, Dining Room -

I could hear a screeching sound of a brake from Shinichi's front gate. And to my great fear, Sonoko has emerged from the limousine not long after. Followed by Sera-chan.


This is the first time for me to feel such terror when seeing my own best-friend, like something in my stomach has knotted itself. Not to mention, my other best-friend from Osaka has been looking at me with her hawk-like eyes that full of curiosity, waiting patiently for her target to be off guard then she will attack mercilessly.

Inhaling a deep breath, I arranged my thoughts again about what I should and shouldn't say to them. Right on cue, the door had been opened with such fierce by a very excited Sonoko. And that grin that plastered on Sera-chan's face... God, can I really manage this?

Shinichi's house is unusually packed with people this morning. And between the chatter, I bet even Hakase could hear Sonoko's delighted squeals coming from Kudou's house. Being ganged up by my best-friends like this is surprisingly nerve-wrecking. I found it hard to defend my self.
At least, Shinichi gave an okay for me to spill whatever I want that had been happening between us. But still, I want to keep a bit of it as our own little secret.

That is, if I managed to dodge the question, or they have enough pity on me.

Sonoko had begun her attack promptly once she set her butt on the couch, she didn't even let me pour some tea for them when she asked "Sooooo... You've finally met your husband yesterday. How did that go?" with such a provocateur kind of behavior
"N-nothing much, really..." I just have to dodge as well as I can.
"You know you can't give me that" she deadpanned "After such romantic confession in London, I bet something happened" she clasped her hand and outrageously mimic me "Oh, Shinichi... Now that you're here, finally I could give my answer to you..." she puckered her lips and continued "While we're at it, I'd gladly give my virgin lips, too..."

"So... Sonoko! It wasn't like that!" I can feel my cheeks burning.
"Then! What was it like?" Sonoko... she looked like a leech, really...
Kazuha cut in before I could react "Yeah, tell us! You said Kudou-kun even stayed with you until morning come..."
"WHAAAT?!" came the shrieks from both Sonoko and Sera-chan.
"Kazuha-chan!" ugh, I should have explained properly to Kazuha-chan first.

"You and Shinichi-kun stayed the night together?" Sonoko squeaked.
"Kudou-kun is here?" ugh, not Sera-chan too.
"It was just a coincident that we met in the first pla... wait! Sera-chan! Where are you going?" it's my turn to squeaked.
"Of course to find Kudou-kun! Where's he?" she said a bit too excitedly, allowing her fang to be seen when she gets excited.
"Shinichi isn't here. He's been going out with Hattori-kun since this morning" I had to raise my voice as she was sprinting to the door.
"Oh, I see..." she halted, but... Why is she suddenly looked so gloomy?
"Do you perhaps need to see Shinichi or something?" I had to make sure.
"Huh? Oh, n-no... I mean, I was just curious about your boyfriend, that's all" she shrugged as if it has been nothing, but I could sense she needed to see Shinichi for something serious. Hmm, maybe I should let Shinichi knows about this later.

"Huh? Why did it seem like you are so excited about Shinichi-kun being here? Do you perhaps..." Sonoko trailed off, as if scrutinizing her. I wonder what is it that makes Sonoko become this serious "Do you also happen to like him?"

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