The Morning After

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- Saturday, 07.10 A.M. Kudou Residence, Kudou Shinichi's Room -

I could hear someone talking in the back of my head, at first I couldn't really get what they were saying, but as I heard the familiar voice emerged from one of the voices behind, I snapped my eyes open. Only to wonder where is this place? It's not my room, but the surroundings felt so familiar. Added with this strong but calming scent that filled my nose, the feeling of uneasiness had vanished, replaced with a pleasure and a comfort kind of feeling.

Remembering what had happened last nigh, a slight blush crept my cheek. I am well aware now. I am in Shinichi's room, laying peacefully on his bed, and I'm sure I was hugging him until recently. To be precise, until his parents opened the door and woke him up –I believe I could hear some teasing coming from Yukiko-obasan- which he replied with grumbling and somehow I'm sure his cheeks were red too, judging from his stammering voice.

I didn't dare presenting my self in that kind of state, especially to my boyfriend's parents. Whatever excuses I have, I don't believe I can even manage to greet them a proper good morning without spilling what had happened the night before between us. So I thought closing back my eyes would rather be a wise decision.

"Geez, Mom! You are the one who suggest this bed-sharing idea. You don't need to explain to me about what I should or shouldn't do" he sighed.
"Oh well, whatever happened, happened" hearing Yukiko-obasan's voice, I could almost manage to imagine her sly grin.
"Do you really think we wouldn't find out, Shinichi?" the usually calm and manly voice of Shinichi's father seemed like a mocking tone to me, I wonder why?
"Wait...! Where did you get that key from?" I can sense a jolt beside me as Shinichi abruptly jumped out of the bed.
"I am still the original owner of this house, my boy" that wasn't just my imagination; Shinichi's father really mocking him, and now he is laughing his heart out.
"Dad!" somehow I could sense that a horrifying things would happen.
"No need to be shy, Shin-chan! Hohoho..." what are they talking about?
"You need to restrain yourself better, Shinichi" why didn't Shinichi say anything?
"I am sure I had taught you to be a gentleman Shin-chan, but still... for you to be doing that to Ran-chan..." What? What did they... How could they know...?

"And what exactly did I do?" I knew Shinichi was challenging them back, as an image of his smirking face flashed my head, with his detective-mode tone of voice.

After seems like eternity, I finally could hear Shinichi's father sighed in some kind of a resignation voice? "Okay, okay. We lost" huh? Was this a competition from the start? "You've gotten better each time. I'm proud of you, my son"
"What? We've lost already?" said Yukiko-obasan in a dejected voice.
"Since when did you realized this key is a fake?" a fake key? What does it have to do with...
"The fact that you only flashed the key for a brief moment rather than showing it to me in a full view, and the fact that the size is a bit different. Also, the pattern is different. The real one has a symmetrical pattern on both side of the lock, unlike this one that has a bigger side to it" Shinichi said all that in a calmer tone.
Shinichi's father whistled "Always the littlest things that matter, right?"
"It was necessary precautions"
"You are the one who wanted a camera surveillance installed in your own room, so you have to be prepared for what it caused too, Shinichi" Yusaku-san added.
... what? He installed a camera? In his own room?
"That's why I made it only I have the access to the control room" he really went to that length?
"Then, don't forget to mention this to Ran-chan. In case she changes here, unless... don't tell me you intentionally want to see her naked?"


"Mom!" is that true, Shinichi?
"Come on dear, we don't want to wake Ran-chan up, do we?" I swear I could sense Shinichi's father's gaze piercing my back.
"We'll wait in the study. You have 15 minutes to be ready~" she shouted.

"... Geez! What a handful parents!"

When I heard the sound of the door closing, I shot up from the bed. I intended to kick Shinichi out with my fine leg, but at seeing his warm smile directed at me, somehow my leg won't move.

"Sorry about that. And before you kick me, I was planning to tell you about the camera. But well..." he scratched his cheek "I told you so many things already last night. I want you to take it easy. It was just me being over careful; paranoid even" he strode back to the bed and sat beside me, putting away stranded hair out my face. That made me blushed.

"Just in case, go change in toilet okay? Unless..." he didn't let it finished as he kissed me a good morning. I lost count on how many kisses we shared already.
Oh well, I don't mind, but "Shinichi, your parent's waiting..."
"I still had 12 minutes. Besides, mom knows I only need 3 minutes to change" smirking, he slowly pushed me back to his bed.

Easy there, this wasn't supposed to be for mature audiences. Nevertheless, I leave it up to your imagination ;)
Happy reading, thanks for votes~
Ps: I'm celebrating my country's Independence Day, I'm 😁

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