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- Saturday, 09.45 A.M. FBI Safe House, Minato-ku, Tokyo -

He inserted the security code then pushed open the heavy-guarded steel door, leading me to another heavy-guarded steel door within a small room surrounded by nothing but a thick wall.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked me for the umpteenth time, and I answered the same.
"Yes. I am" which he replied by staring me as if he's been staring a wacko.
"Do I need to remind you of how dangerous this can be?" He lifted his eyebrows in a clipped manner.

"Akai-san? Have I ever told you about the golden ratio? It's the same as that" I can see his brow furrowed, thinking about what the connection between a life-threatening action with an ancient formula of a design "We need the 10 cm difference to make it a perfect win for this risky gambling. The only way I could think of is by doing this" I added.
He finally sighed "If you're sure" and made no other comments.

"Please make sure no one will be witnessing this other than you, Jodie-sensei, and James-ojisan" I reminded him again just to be sure, which he replied,
"I made arrangement so that the camera surveillance divided into 2 views. The one that has you inside will be destroyed right after we're done" and opened that too high handle of the steel door for me as I replied

"That will be perfect"

-Safe Room-

"Can I call you Ayano-san?" I smiled upon seeing her sitting in a slumped position in her bed, with her legs being cuffed with long chain adjoining another handcuff placed on her hands.

She furrowed her brows at seeing me entering the maximal-protection room, and something inline with a shock and longing could be seen from her eyes, before it shifted again into nothingness
"My name is Edogawa Conan, nice to meet you" I casually greeted her, which she replied uninterestedly
"What was that FBI guy's thinking, bringing a child here. Is it just another tricks to make me speak?" She glared sarcastically
"Hmph! Not gonna work. I don't have any sympathy even to a child" she stared at me with an icy cold eyes while gritted her teeth
"Get lost! Or I'll make sure you wouldn't be able to sleep soundly, brat" she tried to be as ruthless as she can, but I can sense her eyes flickered with worry and uneasiness since she saw me entering the room.

Hee... interesting.

I snorted "You are a bit late for that, Ayano-san. I've seen countless of nightmare ever since I've come to know your organization, especially one with a code-name of Gin" I stared at her intently and observe her facial expression while stating about her coworker.

As I thought, she seemed startled when I mentioned Gin.

"Vermouth told me about their intentions of exterminating you, the ex-number 2" I scooted closer to her "It would be nice if you tell me your real reason for your betrayal. That way, I can make a counter-measure towards Rum's plan. And perhaps, it can also lead to a protection of your beloved one, Holy Wine"

She gaped at me, but as nothing came out of her mouth, I thronged her again with information "Judging from your track-record, you have been a loyal worker which they valued so much, until you blow their financial state along with a huge number of another loss. It's just a matter of time until they erase your existence, you know that too"

I intended to make her speak, and I believe I will "And now, they've found your replacement"

She really had become as white as a sheet while listening to me "And I bet you wouldn't like it if I told you who will likely replace you in their organization" I paused to strengthen the information then continued "They wouldn't hesitate to use a genius child of yours as their brain for collecting organization's funds and also train that child to be their assassin. You know what I mean" I looked at her deeply so that she could see how serious I am.

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