The Little Sister

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- Saturday, 11.22 A.M. Kudou Residence, Dining Room -

This was the first time I met him directly. Not just over some conversation about him that I heard from someone else. I had a deep impression of him when I first saw him long time ago at the beach. I thought he is a wizard that time -up until now to be honest- Why? Because he is the only one that was able to put that kind of face on Aniki.

But not just that actually, I kind of had that feeling that he is special, he is different than any other person I've met. He has this mysterious yet alluring aura around him, and I believe when he put his skill into something, then a wonderful thing appeared like a magic. But of course, I know that magic is just a compilation of tricks that lead our perception into something else that we didn't know exist; or a trick of presenting what we know as an impossible become probable. That sole reason was why I had put my trust on him.

Moreover, after I watched what he had done with my own two eyes, he proved himself to be the great wizard. He fascinated not only me, but anyone who might have happened to testify his action.

This time, he did the magic again. By appearing right in front of my eyes as Kudou Shinichi himself. I didn't know what trick he had done for him to be able to present himself like this –seeing his last condition as a shrimp little detective, Edogawa Conan- but that trick is what exactly I will have to gain from him, no matter how.

As I tried to calm myself from the shock -well, I can't say it was a shock; it was rather like a pleasant surprise for me- I trotted to the kneeling Kudou Shinichi, deliberately trying to make him aware of my presence by coughing several times –I know it's lame, but I'm not gonna win his attention from his girlfriend if I didn't do that- and finally able to have him look at me, aware of other people's presence other than his girlfriend's.

"Nice to see you again, Kudou-kun" I deliberately put the clue right in front of his face while grinning and sticking out my hand towards him in an attempt to have a hand-shake gestures. He tilted his head slightly before his eyes lit into acknowledgement

"Oh, yeah. Nice to finally see you too, Sera-san" heee... he tried to ducks my straight ball, huh? Not gonna work ~

"I see that you recognize who I am even though this is our first time meeting directly?" I kept putting pressure into some words that I believe he will notice as my clue. A clue that stating I know who he really is; or rather, who he was before he appeared as himself.

"Well of course, I will. Anyone will" he stated confidently as he stood from his kneeling position and grabbed my hand, shaking it with firm grip "I've heard about you from Ran and my cousin" as if knowing my unraveled question about his cousin, he continued "Edogawa Conan, my cousin, was talking about you and how great of a detective you are. He even said if Sherlock has sister, it will be you"

Sherlock's sister, huh?

"Well, it's my pleasure to hear about that from Sherlock himself" take that!


"I see that your cousin, Edogawa Conan, has been considering you as Sherlock Holmes. So, I am pleased to be able to meet with the real Sherlock Holmes this time..." Not only with his disguised form; was what I've been stating with my eyes. And seeing from his startled expression, I'm sure he took on my words.

Surprisingly, he began to chuckle at hearing this "You're wrong. I am not Sherlock Holmes" he smiled, but I could see seriousness and sincerity in his face; not that kind of a dreadful face that know his secret had been discovered, nor a surprised one. If this was just an act, I should say his acting skill was superb. I nearly believed he wasn't what I meant he was.

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