A No(r)mally

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- Tuesday 9:10 P.M. Abeno Haruka's Helipad, Osaka, Japan -

"How is it going with the Baron's project?" Using his silvery stick that had a crow-like statue engrave on top of it, a short, slouched built-old man was taking his step carefully out of the helicopter that had just landed 300 meters away from ground

"It was progressing smoothly, boss. We could expect the result by the end of this week" answered another man that was wearing a white lab-coat with a bit too much excitement on his face "that boy really is a genius. He even made the back plan for the program to clean out on itself should an error occurs" the gleam on his eyes shone through his glasses that made his appearance looked rather like a pervert than a scientist "he does not have any idea of what we made him doing. If only he had not whined that much to see his mother everyday, I was going to take him under me rather than to have that woman slice his throat"

"Watch your mouth. That woman is still your superior" he staved in his stick onto him, his menacing eyes sent a warning of a future made of ashes should he behave wrongly

"I... I am sorry, boss! I just..." he went pale and shook his head back and forth, trying to rescue whatever left of his future


The scientists gulped down his nerves, eyes darting around to search for the exit and flew immediately as he glanced obscurely through a doorway that lead to a level below the helipad.

Without his knowing, the slouched figure with sharp, dent nose pointed at him while making an eye-lock with another tall man with long, silver hair behind him. He met his gaze with a nod before catching his step with the scientists as if he made no efforts on hunting the prey with his big step and silently sliced his throat from behind him, only seconds before the man found his run away.

"Tsk" the boss, as they called him, snorted "What a dull day" he continued walking straight into the staircase as if no corpse laid underneath him, with open wounded around his throat "Gin, clean it" and stepped on the body as if it had never been one of his worker.

- Tuesday 9:10 A.M. Teito Store House, Tokyo Bay, Japan -

"Are we really going to do this?" Said Camel, one of FBI agents while opening the trunk of a silver Mercedes Benz that was parking outside the store house

"Yeah" answered a man wearing black turtleneck while preparing his SPR-1 made by Pindad, then stuffed it inside the bag "ask Vinsanto to hurry up, would you?"

"Alright" he looked a bit unsure but took his leave anyway and went inside the FBI's facility base 'just leave it to Akai for planning. All I have to do is to not mess it up, again'

Camel walked in a hurry, worried that he might have passed Vinsanto on his way to the facility. The entry had been separated into two, one is the main entry, while the other is a back-pass.

Well, it has been called 'main entry' even though it looked just like a sliding garage door made by rusty steel from outside the store house. As soon as someone entered the store house though, they will be welcomed by another sturdy, steel door with passcode and fingerprint reader as the key into the inside.

As for the back-pass -as the agents referred the door with- it was merely a back door that could only accommodate one person each route, being camouflage as nothing but a stack of empty drums outside, but it integrated with heat censor and infrared light that will be active once a suspicious person came through -or any other person that has not been listed to the facility access gate- and made anything or anyone passing it sliced into tiny pieces of flesh.

If one still want to get in and out unscathed, he/she will really need not only the passcode, but also permission to enter from one of the agent inside. Why the hassle? It is usually being used as the safe house that keep VIPs or witnesses unharmed.

Vinsanto is one of the VIP that was being processed into FBI's witness protection program. Clearly, it made her being the center of attention between the agents. No one wants to take the risk for such a valuable informant. She needed to be able to stand up as a witness in the case's trial and also in the actual court.

That is, if she was lucky to fend her life from her assassin. Added that she agreed to become the bait to lure Anokata (or at least RUM, Anokata's right hand man) out of his nest, it will be a big challenge to maintain her safety. No normal person would willingly throw her into the lion's den. Normally, that will be the best course of action.

Hard to say, Akai Shuuichi is not normal. In a good way, fortunately. Added the brilliant detective Kudou Shinichi on his back, risky is their new term of normal. Agent Camel wasn't to blame for finding it hard to comprehend their way of thinking. Any other normal person would. But again, the composition of FBI's brain and the police's savior left nothing to doubt. They will retrieve Mamoru a.k.a Edogawa Conan back and alive with Vinsanto's help.

"Are you ready?" Camel said after he found her on the first level, zipping up her bulletproof vest then stuffed her USP Pistol inside black stockings between her thigh

"Anytime" she walked past him, intended to be on the lead but halted as something crossed her mind "where is that detective boy?"

"He said we will meet up at Harukasu by 8:10 tonight" agent Camel responded, waiting for another of her remarks but as he found her turned her heels then walked away, he sighed then walked behind while thinking 'please, let it be a successful mission'

A/n : Hey you guys!
We are so close to the upcoming clash between Conan Cs and BO. So, grab your popcorn and stay tune!
Thanks for your support, I really need it for my starving soul 😋

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