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A/N: please notify the timeframe in this story, because there's so much flashbacks here (you would understand if you follow the story from first chapter until the end)
Happy reading ~

They are nemesis of justice. That is what they describe themselves as.
Perfect. They will automatically be his enemy. Don't you dare playing catch-me-up crime with detective, cause he'd be glad to take you behind the bars.

- Friday, 12.30 P.M. Bank of Tokyo, Main Lobby -

Now that everyone had their task, it's time to escalate the plan. One more recruit is inside the circle. 'How can I get to be closer to him without arising their suspicions?' he stroked his chin in a thinking position, being like that until an idea popped up in his head.

'Heh. This will do' he smirked confidently.

He then sneaked around the big hall, trying to get into the main lobby's glass door –that had already shattered in a piece of glass all over the floor- and trying to enter the fallen bricks that blocks the way to the main lobby.

Looking around, he couldn't find any way to sneaks, one would have to dig a pretty big hole of that bricks to be able to go out.

'Well then, might as well turn around the bush' he thought and quickly drag his foot to another direction –the one that will lead him to the emergency exit- which he hoped didn't fall down because of the explosion.

Fortunately, it didn't. Well, even if it hadn't been blocked, he still has to find the key to open the door, or he just has to lock pick it real quick. 'Thanks to mom, preparing me with this Doraemon-like pocket... It even has a dagger?' he looked amused.

'Ran should be in the main control room by now, better check her while doing this' he then switched a small black button on the left side of his glasses.

What seems like a screen popped out on his left side of the glasses. Inside, it showed what looks like a big screen with smaller screen surrounding it.

'Good, she is already in front of the main computer in the control room' he thought while picking a thin iron and plucked it onto keyhole.

As the screen swirls, he could glance a few body were down, presumably the engineer's. They were either been shot, or just unconscious, it's dark he couldn't tell.

Then, Ran try to activate a cellphone on her hand by plugging it into the USB port over the main computer. The screen on the phone switched on, but she need a 4-digit passcode or his finger print to be able to open the phone.

'Damn! I forgot to tell her the passcode' he scratched his hair, while thinking how to communicate with her

'I obviously can't use Conan's phone to call her. She will find it weird if I do that' he scratched really hard now, when suddenly the screen shows Ran who were typing 0405, then 4869 into his phone, and finally it opened.

'Huh? She knew?' his eyes widened, and a sudden realization hit him

'If she could guess that passcode, then she must have known whom it belongs to' he stranded between astonishment and alert by her action

But soon a proud smile crept into his face 'Just what I would expect from my girl, ahem, girlfriend-to-be' blushing, he tried to concentrate on the task at hand.

His hands stopped when a sound of 'click' heard, then he opened the door and placed the same transmitter he had handed to Ran awhile ago, on the lower part of the back door, while thinking 'This should do' and closed the door to its previous position.

'Now, into the next step'

He sneakily went to one of the door and opened it -a janitor room to be exact- happy he could find something that will support his disguise, he then quickly grabbed one of the apron and boots stored in the rack, he choose the orange one rather than a dark-blue one.

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