GF's Special Rules

317 9 6

- Saturday, 09.10 A.M. Kudou Residence, Dining Room -

A sigh.

It's the umpteenth time she sighed.

Another sighs.

Most probably her food had already getting cold at this rate, because she was just stirring her curry with that blank look on her face for a long time now. I wonder if something bad had happened last night? Even though she said that Kudou-kun had been staying with her up until morning came, I haven't seen him at all today.

Has he left again? Abandoning his girlfriend in his own house just to chase down another case? Geez! When I took my eyes off of him for just a second, he disappeared! How dare he did this again to her? I don't care what reason Kudou-kun has, but abandoning his wounded girlfriend –she got that wound to protect him, to top it off- for a case is just too much. I won't let it slip this time. Not a chance! I'm so gonna beat Heiji up for his buddy's stunt! And speaking of which, where did that Ahou had gone to so early in the morning?

"Say, Ran-chan..." she didn't make any reaction to me calling her name, looked like she still wondering in her own thoughts, most probably about Kudou-kun. So I had to wave my hand right in front of her face "Ran-chan? Are you okay?" finally she take attention this time
"Hu... huh?"
"Are you okay?" I asked her again
"Ye... Yes, I feel better already" stammering, she tried to smile awkwardly. There's definitely something wrong with her. I know she tend to hide her sorrow behind that smile. If she didn't want to talk to me about it, it's okay. But I don't want her to swallow it by herself either. So, what should I do?

Suddenly, Sonoko-chan's face popped inside my head. I know it! If she can't talk to me, then I just have to find someone she can talk with. What a brilliant idea!

"Say, is it okay if I invite Sonoko-chan along here? It's been so long since I last saw her" I suggested
"Huh? Sonoko?"
"Yes!" I beamed at her, but it washed away as I see her troubled expression "I can't?"
"Well... It's not like you can't... This is Shinichi's house, so we'd better ask for his permission first..." she stammered while avoiding a direct contact with my eyes, it made me feel more worried "But, I'm not sure Shinichi will be glad to have Sonoko here... I mean, they are always at each other's neck when they meet. Besides, Shinichi doesn't really like to have a guest in his house. Well, except you and Hattori-kun, of course" she smiled still so awkwardly when I cast my eyes down
"I see..."

But then, she continued "Umm... Let me ask him first, okay?" and took out her cellphone before disappeared back into Kudou-kun's room.

I think I will have to inform Sonoko-chan about what's been happening with Ran-chan, so she will make sure to come here and talk to her. I know I'm being a busy-body here, and that probably will annoy her. But after what had happened yesterday, Ran-chan definitely needed someone to talk to. It doesn't necessarily have to be me, as long as she has someone she could believe and depend to, anyone can do. I thought Kudou-kun will be here for her, but seeing him vanished again, I can't just stay and do nothing. So I texted Sonoko-chan and ask her to come here and try to make Ran-chan talk about whatever it is that's been burdening her.

Right after I've done with texting Sonoko-chan, I saw Ran-chan striding back to dining room with a bit more cheerful expression "Guess what? Shinichi said it'll be okay to invite Sonoko here!"

"Really? How nice!" yes! With this, I can execute my plan "Then, lets ask her to come here right now. Come on, come on!" I asked her a bit too excited and jumped a little from my seat.

"Okay!" then she dialed some number on her phone. It didn't take too long I could hear her saying "Sonoko, it's me. Do you have time today?" she smiled at hearing her best-friend voice
"Huh? No, it's not about our report. I finished that already" she waved her hand
"Hahaha... Really? Then, you can look at mine for your reference. Uh-huh, of course I don't mind" she nodded even though she knew Sonoko-chan can't see her doing that

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