Moonlight Mission

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- Tuesday, 8:40 P. M. Abeno Haruka Observatory decks, Osaka, Japan -

"Are you afraid of high place, Ayano-san?" Asked a young man wearing black hat to a lady that was preparing to wear her safety suits.

"Not really" she answered calmly while tightening the elastic rope around her waist "Are you?"

"I love 'em" said he flashing his white teeth "I would not be called Phantom Thief if I were afraid of it" the gleam in his eyes spoke that he was not a mere staff for this 'hanging on a rope in the edge of the tallest building in Osaka to look down, hopefully not die' kind of attraction.

She had observed how the visitors of this attraction were able to look belowdecks to find the best view from 300 meters above the ground in a magnificent way. Yeah, they would barely hanging themself around a rope and look down their foot from the edge of the railings. The staff would put their safety suits on and they could hang in midair, foot barely touch the concrete as they bent over their waist around Harukasu's observatory decks that was just one level below the helipad.

Some of them were screaming and want immediate rescue from the staff to regulate their breath (and hopefully tune out their scream, please), but the other looked fine. Well, they were a bit pale and shaking but they looked fine. Perhaps that was the last time they decided to waste their money just for this kind of adrenals adventures.

As for her, she used to do various things for her night-job, so this stunt was far than what she usually handled. A piece of cake. She mentally noted.

"Do not let this stuff lower your excitement, please" he remarked as if he knew what she has been thinking "the real challenge is below and after" he pointed down with his forefinger "remember : 10 seconds before you jump down. More or less than that, you are no good"

"Yeah, I get it" she winced once she remembered that she has to go down all the way from 60th floor to fake her death. Yeah, what a magnificent way to die, lady. The rope was supposedly cannot tolerate her weight and the speed of her fall, then it will break. Or one of her former co-worker would be willing to cut it lose. That is, after they were expected to shot her about several times.

Escaping with shots wound all over her body then jump out of the window would not be a piece of cake, indeed. Plus she has to bring that weird boy along, with everyone expecting her to give his safety a priority.

Plus, she will unfortunately hit by a car after she landed. Thus, will make her an unidentifiable dead body. And likely, police will state it as accident.

Great. What a great plan you have cultivated, detective. Are you sure you don't have any grudges against me?

Speaking about the little detective, it brings back memories, once when she was still a prisoners of FBI's.

"The officers that issued the statement of your death will likely be BO's NOC" the weird boy, Conan, was talking in a manners that someone would never think that he was planning an extreme death; with all of excitement over his face, one would think that little boy was just happy he will be having his ice cream.

"That won't be enough to rule Rum out" she remembered she had scoffed her nose to him, reminding that his carefully scooted plan was just a play thing

Rather than having his disappointment, he presented her with a gleam on his eyes, saying "that will be Mamoru's role"

"Elaborate" she demanded

"Relax, your son will be safe and sound" he gave her assurance she needed, and she was grateful for that "Rum will have to involve himself in order to seek for your son. That would be a task no other person than him would be able to do. That is, if my suspicion was true" he was speaking as if his suspicions were already true "BO will find no little boy on that site, so they would have to resort to police assistance to locate him"

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